[quote]confusion wrote:
I’m just gonna throw out a few thoughts and see what happens.
Most of us train too much. One visit to the gym a week is probably a good start
Large protein intake isn’t necessary. Example 1-2 grams per lb of body weight is a waste of time and money. We don’t need that much
Machines are fine and actually make sense. The “logic” behind using only iron is incorrect for reasons that should be obvious.
There’s a start anyway![/quote]
I know you are a troll but I’m going to answer anyway.
No troll here. Whats this die in a fire shit? Not sure of the lingo but if sugar=carbs, then it’s pretty important,especially to fuel the workout and then that special window after a workout.
Lifting one day a week is ridiculous. Most people don’t train anywhere near hard enough.
So either you are lifting in some world class gym like Westside or you are just trolling with that statement because most gyms are full of people putting forth little to no effort and making no progress.
Mike Mentzer had some good thoughts on these things. i don’t train exactly the way he recommended,but it’s worked for me as well as anything I’ve done.
[quote]JoeGood wrote:
Lifting one day a week is ridiculous. Most people don’t train anywhere near hard enough.
So either you are lifting in some world class gym like Westside or you are just trolling with that statement because most gyms are full of people putting forth little to no effort and making no progress.
Show me these people who train to much. [/quote]
how about you put up some pics and I do the same. I used to think exactly the way you do,that there is no such thing as over training. but now…
I’m 42 now and owe a lot of my initial knowledge about training to T Nation. There is a lot of motivating things on here. I’ve been experimenting with several training techniques and discoveries I’ve made. They work for me,so maybe also for someone else…Over training is a problem for many lifters.
They cannot get their mind away from the more is better concept. We all agree that we need to break down muscle fibers,allow our energy stores to replenish,let the muscle heal, then let it grow. It seems obvious to me that a bit of time is involved there.
If the muscle is sore for 3 days after training, do we actually think it will heal and grow and NEED to be trained again in another 4 days. And if it’s not trained,it will start to atrophy? Sounds like nonsense. How about waiting 2 weeks before training it again? Might just work for you.
I didnt think I would ever bring this up on T Nation, but I think there are a lot of lifters who just might benefit. I’m a tall guy so any tall dudes that wanna compare notes, I am Here
attaching a pic of my back,nothing special,but it’s something
[quote]JoeGood wrote:
Lifting one day a week is ridiculous. Most people don’t train anywhere near hard enough.
So either you are lifting in some world class gym like Westside or you are just trolling with that statement because most gyms are full of people putting forth little to no effort and making no progress.
Show me these people who train to much. [/quote]
how about you put up some pics and I do the same. I used to think exactly the way you do,that there is no such thing as over training. but now…[/quote]
I’ve got pictures and videos of my lifting, both in the gym and at meets literally all over the site.
I take it I’m not going to get any sort of corroboration about all of these peopel who are training to hard?
[quote]JoeGood wrote:
Lifting one day a week is ridiculous. Most people don’t train anywhere near hard enough.
So either you are lifting in some world class gym like Westside or you are just trolling with that statement because most gyms are full of people putting forth little to no effort and making no progress.
Show me these people who train to much. [/quote]
how about you put up some pics and I do the same. I used to think exactly the way you do,that there is no such thing as over training. but now…[/quote]
I’ve got pictures and videos of my lifting, both in the gym and at meets literally all over the site.
I take it I’m not going to get any sort of corroboration about all of these peopel who are training to hard?
Nice ink though. [/quote]
i’m not sure if you’re asking other guys to chime in about over training. I have no way to prove people over train,just as i cannot prove they under train. I know this, I’m 6’6" 260lbs and i look like i lift weights. I dont think i have an awesome body,or even close.
However, who would suspect that one workout a week,done with serious intensity,is enough? Apparently, not many. Don’t know about Dr Oz cuz i don’t watch Oprah. Not really into that
There’s lots of ways to skin a cat. But I don’t see hitting a 500 pound squat in my lifetime training once a week. There’s just not enough days left in my life.
[quote]MattyXL wrote:
Dr Oz said 30 minutes weekly of weight lifting is all I need to maintain mass, whatever Dr Oz says is law in my book[/quote]
This is pretty funny,but Dr Oz? Google search Mike Mentzer. That’s the sort of body and achievement I respect. I’m passing along his ideas.Think he didn’t know anything? Also,45 min to an hour is better. lol
[quote]jjackkrash wrote:
There’s lots of ways to skin a cat. But I don’t see hitting a 500 pound squat in my lifetime training once a week. There’s just not enough days left in my life. [/quote]
Good point. What’s the significance of 500lb? Will that make you bigger or something? We all have different goals,but I dont want to look like most power lifters
[quote]jjackkrash wrote:
There’s lots of ways to skin a cat. But I don’t see hitting a 500 pound squat in my lifetime training once a week. There’s just not enough days left in my life. [/quote]
Good point. What’s the significance of 500lb? Will that make you bigger or something? We all have different goals,but I dont want to look like most power lifters
I want to squat 500 lbs. before I die and I want to do it at 198. It’s just something I want to do.