So I finally decided that I’m still a beginner and this post is suited most for the beginner forum. I know the typical advice: Eat big, train big, get big. But I, for one, have one problem here.
Whenever I start to bulk, I gain fat. And I mean a lot of fat. In my last bulking period using 5/3//1, I went up from 176 to 187 lbs. A nice addition, you may think. But my fat levels increased from 12% to fucking 19%! I know now that I did not eat clean. White rice, pasta, bread were staples in my diet.
However, earlier when I was using Westside for Skinny Bastards, I did go up from 171 to 179, with very good nutrition. About 1.5 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight, only carbs coming from fruit save for breakfast and overall healthy fats, eating every 3 hours. Now, how the hell did I possibly get from 11% to 16% fat in that process? All the measurements are done by a personal trainer in my gym.
One addition: I don’t to additional cardio, which did seem irrelevant for me because after all is it not calories in vs calories out? Get 3500 calories, then do cardio, lower it to 2900 and stay on a deficit. Does it not defeat the sense of BULKING?
Anyway, the question remains. How the heck do I gain weight with minimal fat gain?