A Couple of Issues I'm Having...

Whenever I do dumbbell pullovers after a few reps i get really weird almost like a cramping feeling in my fingers, anyone have any idea about this?

My other issue, lately my right arm gets a really weird sensation whenever i do dumbbell bench presses, almost like my funny bone is being punched or something…

Any advice would help, thanks.

I’m no doctor, but is it possible you have some sort of pinched nerve creating that sensation? I’ve had a few instances where when my arms have been fully extended, and I move too quickly, or in a jerky manner, my finger tips numbed a bit, but the fact that you mentioned your funny bone makes me think you might have something by the elbow (tendonitis perhaps?)


[quote]BigGuy490 wrote:
Whenever I do dumbbell pullovers after a few reps i get really weird almost like a cramping feeling in my fingers, anyone have any idea about this?

My other issue, lately my right arm gets a really weird sensation whenever i do dumbbell bench presses, almost like my funny bone is being punched or something…

Any advice would help, thanks.[/quote]

I had the same prob with DB pullovers, just drink alot of water. I never got rid of the problem totally until I went to either heavy weight low reps. Also consider trying out decline EZ bar extensions with pullover, I like them alot more, much more comfortable for hands and getting set up.

is the feeling when benching a persisting problem or is it recent?maybe you bruised/injured some tissue in that area and that is being exacerbated by that particular lift

if its recent, perhaps go a bit easy on that arm for a bit

the other issue i cant speak to

[quote]The Mighty Stu wrote:
I’m no doctor, but is it possible you have some sort of pinched nerve creating that sensation? I’ve had a few instances where when my arms have been fully extended, and I move too quickly, or in a jerky manner, my finger tips numbed a bit, but the fact that you mentioned your funny bone makes me think you might have something by the elbow (tendonitis perhaps?)


no, on pullovers i only have the finger issue and with the bench pressing i only have the arm issue, not both at the same time, but yeah its been recently, maybe the last month

[quote]ballsout wrote:
BigGuy490 wrote:
Whenever I do dumbbell pullovers after a few reps i get really weird almost like a cramping feeling in my fingers, anyone have any idea about this?

My other issue, lately my right arm gets a really weird sensation whenever i do dumbbell bench presses, almost like my funny bone is being punched or something…

Any advice would help, thanks.

I had the same prob with DB pullovers, just drink alot of water. I never got rid of the problem totally until I went to either heavy weight low reps. Also consider trying out decline EZ bar extensions with pullover, I like them alot more, much more comfortable for hands and getting set up.[/quote]

do you mean just ez bar pullovers? ive been thinking im gonna try to change my grip up on the dumbbell, maybe something like having my hands balled up and using my thumbs mostly for grip

i have really long fingers by the way, if that makes a difference or not i dunno, but if the grip dosnt help ill try the ez bar, thanks.

Do you think it could be possible tht you are stretching too far back, and increasing pressure on the nerves? Or that you don’t have sufficent blood flow to the extremities before you start? Are you locking out your elbows?

Try warming your hands up really good, and get as much blood flow to your fingers before you start. Then also try not extending as far and not locking out.

Let us know how ya do!
