5x5 Split Routine or 3 Day Full Body

Hey, I’m pretty much just beginning working out serious. I’ve been lifting serious since last October. I’ve gone from 149lbs to roughly 163. While i was in school and close to the gym i did a 5 day split body routine with basic 10-12 reps which seemed to work fine. When summer started I changed to a 5x5 workout 3 days a week since I’m further away from the gym. I went to a 5x5 because it made perfect since that i needed to bulk more than anything being as skinny as i am.

School will start back up next month so i will have access to the gym 5 days a week and i planned to go to a 5 day 5x5 split routine. I’ve been reading that as a beginner you should do full body workouts 3 times a week. I just wasn’t sure if i should change to a 3 day full body routine for a few months or if the time for that has gone and past and should just continue with a 5x5 routine to gain the most mass and strength most efficiently. Much appreciated.

Upper/lower split is a good option you should consider.

It really doesn’t matter.

Whichever one you can most comfortably do and get stronger on… you have to use your own judgement here.

If I CAN do a split, I will always lean towards that. I would do the whole fullbody workout thing if i was truly pressed for time in all areas of my life.

I think I’ll start the 3 day full body workout for the rest of summer since it is more convenient for me time wise and i might see the best results, then when school starts i’ll go back to a 5 day split. Appreciate it guys, thanks.