Hey guys, I am new here, and I had a couple questions about my routine. I am currently about 5’10’’ weighinh in at about 145lbs. My goals this summer are to lift heavey and gain as much weight as possible. I heard from some of my friends that a fullbody split is a good weigh to do this. I decided to do a fullbody split 3 days a week with just compound movements. Could someone please critque it for me and let me know what you think:
Full body splits can work and many people do them. You may want to change up the sets and reps from day to day during the week though. Use 5x5 the first day, then 8x3, then 3x10, or something like that. Read Chad Waterbury’s Quatro Dynamo program for the reasoning behind changing it up.
Your routine looks pretty good. Personally, I would try and include a retraction exercise or two for postural balance of the shoulder girdle and maybe stiff legged deadlifts in place of clean and jerks or front squats. Watch out for overtraining and don’t be afraid to include an extra rest day if you are feeling a little wiped out. Check out the programme “training for maximal size” by Joel Marion for a modified whole body work out plan that is basic but effective.
The only other thing I would suggest is maybe mixing up rep ranges from day to day…eg 5X5 on monday, 8X3 on wednesdays and 3x8 on fridays or someother rep ranges or your preference.
I forgot to add - you gotta eat like your life depends on it to make the full body approach work, especailly after workouts. As soon as your last set is done you should be gulping down a good protein/carb shake and eating a substantial meal 1-1 1/2 hours from then if not sooner. Try to get 6-8 feedings a day and try to consume real food in preference to supplements.
Bijan1832, your routine is good so it may work well for you. Give it a try !
Personally I’ve always put legs only on monday and friday with Clean & Press as 1st exercise: