26 year old guy
175 cm, 73 kg / 5’10’', 160 lbs
lifting for 4 years, playing football for less than one
estimated maxes
Deadlift: 165 kg / 364 lbs
Squat: 140 kg / 308 lbs
Bench: 90 kg / 198 lbs
Press: 55 kg / 120 lbs
TL;DL - skip to QUESTION
Been working out for a few years, started with Joe DeFranco’s Built like a badass, then Westside for skinny bastards… Loved both of them, but I liked the idea predestined weights in 5/3/1… Done a few rounds and I love it!
I started playing (american) football on university level in Finland about a year ago, broke my leg in March, came to Norway to exchange and got back to practice in September and played a small tournament in October-November. I’m back!
The problem is, university football is really marginal sport in Norway compared to the states, so I feel my best bet is to do my own strength program.
We practice tuesday and thursday evening and during the fall semester, just adding two football practices to the gym program was too much. I really wanna kick up my game a notch because our team has a chance to fight for the national championship and I feel like I wanna be in the starting line-up.
Yeah, by the way, I’d like to play linebacker, something that my size definitely wouldn’t allow me in the states but here, it’s a different story. My team-mates describe me as a mercyless tackler, but I still think I need to gain weight, the more the better without losing my speed too much. My goal is to be closer to 80 than 75 kilos before next season which starts in April…
How to combine the 5/3/1 and football practices? Is it ‘enough’ to add deadlifts in the form of RDLs as assistance work on squat days? In lack of imagination I just left out the deadlift days during the fall semester and was quite content, but I felt bad for leaving the king of exercises out! You can find my schedule for this fall below. In addition I’d like to add some sprint intervals to regain some of the speed I lost after the accident.
Mon: am: bench
Tue: pm: football
Wed: rest
Thur: am: press | pm: football
Fri: rest
Sat: am: squat
Sun: rest
I’m gonna ask our coaches for tips when we return from our christmas holiday, untill then I’m just gonna run the original 5/3/1 and work like hell to gain as much strength as possible. Then I’ll maybe start of by doing the same as this fall and try to incorporate deadlifts in later when I’m more used to the workload. + I have to keep in mind that I actually need to study and check my schedule when the times for lectures are published.
I’d love any comments and tips. 5/3/1 might not even be the best option, if you have better ones go a head and suggest. At the moment I’m just a little bit overwhelmed by doing a workout plan, it was super easy earlier when I only worked out for me, only my own schedule…
Ok, long enough rant… I’ll pass the mic now…