Football Player on 5/3/1 Looking for Best Assistance

Ok here’s the deal, I’m 15, 5’6.75" and 165 lbs. I’m a football player and beginning powerlifter and I’m on 5/3/1. I’m looking for the best assistance exercises for 5/3/1 that will make my lifts go up, but will also make a better football player. Here’s what my program looks like now. P.S., I’m using the bodybuilding template for some size.

Monday - Shoulders

Standing Shoulder Press - 5/3/1
Dumbbell Shoulder Press - 4x8-10
Weighted Dips - 4x8-10
Pull-ups - 4x8-10
Barbell Curls - 4x8-10

Tuesday - Lower Back, Hamstrings, Abs

Deadlift - 5/3/1
Goodmornings - 4x8-10
Reverse Hypers - 4x8-10
Hanging Ab Raises - 4x20-25
Barbell Shrugs - 4x6-8
(Maybe sub an exercise with rack pulls?)

Wednesday - Conditioning

Thursday - Chest, Upper Back & Tris

Bench - 5/3/1
Dumbbell Bench - 4x8-10
Kroc Rows - 4 Sets
Close Grip Bench/JM Press - 4x8-10
Incline Dumbbel Bench - 4x8-10

Friday - Quads, Calves & Abs

Squats - 5/3/1
Bulgarian Split Squats - 4x8-10
Barbell Lunges - 4x8-10
Standing Calf Raises - 4x8
Hanging Ab Raises - 4x20-25

Any suggestions on what to change/keep? I plan to start competing in winter/spring 2011 and just need some suggestions.

Current Best Lifts: Shoulder Press - 175x1
Bench Press - 230x1
Deadlift - 365x1
Squat - 370x1

And yes theyre all raw. no equip for right now.

Get 5/3/1 for football and do exactly what it says. It is an incredible program.

So i could still train for football and compete next year?

[quote]StormTheBeach wrote:
Get 5/3/1 for football and do exactly what it says. It is an incredible program.[/quote]

This would be the no-brainer

[quote]CSEagles1694 wrote:
So i could still train for football and compete next year?[/quote]

Sure you can. Like everyone has said get the 5/3/1 for football book and follow what it says. I know that many of the best high school football teams in South Carolina compete in high school powerlifting in the off-season, or at least they did several years ago.

ill definitely splurge next year and get the book…

My first 3 meets were while I was a junior/senior playing football in college. I wish I started earlier.