I’m a football coach at a small highschool where all of the kids come from very small (20 kids) church grade schools. For almost all the guys, they have never done any sort of lifting or football. Think…more smallness.
It was the first year I started lifting there at the weight room, and also the first year of my own 531. I love what it offers-I type my first TM in the box on my spreadsheet, show up, and lift what it tells me to. No more wondering. If I don’t make reps and back off. First time in 10 years I’ve made mature and sustainable progress.
I was excited and showed that to the guys who show up in the weight room. Normally wanting to do their own program full of wrist curls and etc, they wanted to do what I was so psyched about. The spreadsheet. We’ve got about a dozen now. More guys started showing up, and we’ve had to start waiting for bars to open up. Two guys benching, two guys dead lifting, two guys squatting and one guy power cleaning. Removing any type of decision making in the form of the 531 spreadsheet has been a real game changer for these new guys. Making the progression of 10 and 5’s for everyone makes it easy to coach. I’ve been encouraging one real shy kid in particular, geeky and skinny-fat but tons of determination and committment. He told me the other day that he was amazed the weight he was squatting was his warm up set (135). It’s not about the squat, it’s about the ‘fuck yeah’. I was really glad I could be a part of that. I thought about how his life will be if he carries that attitude to everything.
I’ve been having them do BBB, with pushups/dips/lat pull downs/rows and back raises, split onto their appropriate days. I recently got the Beyond book, and it says the 5’s progression is a good method for beginning lifters. Should I switch them to that or stay the course?
I’ve also read (on here) that the assistance template should be switched every 6 weeks. I havn’t done that with them. Because of their varied sports/school schedules I’ve found it difficult to keep track of who is on what and what they should go to next. I choose BBB mainly because they get more reps with the main lifts. If it is indeed necessary to switch the assistance template, any ideas of how I could do that efficiently for a bunch of students?
Thanks, Jim.