I am hitting the gym again after a decade in the wilderness. Finally got tired of feeling permenantly crap and in desperation tried a detox diet / fast and made myself seriously ill. However between bouts of vomiting I had time to reflect and decided that I was being really dumb and I should really go back to what I know, so I came looking for “testosterone” and found T-Nation.
The only problem I am having is information overload! I am spending far too much time reading (although with the DOMS that isn’t too much of a problem!)
I have cleaned my diet up big time (that combined with the fast resulted in weight dropping at a stupid rate but that has now settled down and I am getting a true reflection of where I am.
So I have the diet sorted (which is something I never managed in my 20’s) but I need a program to work on.
I should be able to find enough time to train for about an hour three times a week and for the time being I need to get the cardio up to a decent level as I need to shed some body fat and just get a bit fitter generally. I am looking for a program that will look after my joints (they aren’t what they used to be!) and whilst I hope to eventually go heavy I am in no rush. Right shoulder seems a touch unstable (too long bent over the keyboard as I am a desk bound engineer by day) and lower back is a bit iffy as are my knees.
I am 6’2" 204lbs and 22% bf (as measured by the dodgy old tanita scales) I am also based in the UK.
So if anyone can point me in the direction of a gentle program to break myself back in on that would be great. Longer term there seems plenty of programs out there to ensure variety.
a day:
b days:
overhead press
alternate which day you do
m-w-f or similar. The key here is weight/rep progression. Not getting a pump.
Thanks Zeph, I think that is basically the Rippetoe program? (can you tell i’ve been having a good look around
) My major concern here is a lack of lower back strength and flexibility for squatting, I used to really enjoy squatting but I am pretty sure that I wouldn’t be able to do it with good form at the moment.
A gradual progression with good mornings (done with strict form) used to be a good preperation for squatting (i.e. good for strengthening the stabilizing muscles in the lower back) is that still considered to be the case?
Light Gm’s would work as would light SLDL’s, goblet squats and hyperextensions
Yeah, goblet squats are great for building up to back squats.
[quote]RayJay wrote:
Light Gm’s would work as would light SLDL’s, goblet squats and hyperextensions[/quote]
For some reason I read that as GOBLIN squats
What are SLDL’s? (some sort of deadlift I guess?)
Thanks for your help guys.
[quote]not_so_big_mike wrote:
RayJay wrote:
Light Gm’s would work as would light SLDL’s, goblet squats and hyperextensions
For some reason I read that as GOBLIN squats
What are SLDL’s? (some sort of deadlift I guess?)
Thanks for your help guys.[/quote]
stiff legged deadlift. Pretty much a deadlift where you keep your legs locked out, or close too.
It is a lot of info. Take a look at the “Are you a beginner II” article at the top of this forum. Good basic info on developing a healthy program. For workouts, I’ve used several of the listed workouts.
I keep cycling back to the “Total Body Training” program (link in the same article). One hour is more than enough time to complete the workout and go for a post-workout cool down stroll on the treadmill.
[quote]zephead4747 wrote:
stiff legged deadlift. Pretty much a deadlift where you keep your legs locked out, or close too.[/quote]
Correct, though you don’t completely lock out your legs - keep them slightly bent
Same applies to Gm’s and bent over rows
For your situation you may have success with a program like DeFranco’s “Washed Up Meathead Program” (not an insult, that is the actual name) It can be found through elitefitnesssystems.com under articles and Westside For Skinny Bastards 4. It is 3 days of weights with the possibility for added GPP. It is a solid program and I think it might be a good fit. Hope that helps.
Thanks for the tips guys.
One thing I’ve been blown away with this time is just how good a PWO shake is. Strenth is improving rapidly (maybe some sort of muscle memory effect?) but more so than that I only had DOMS after the first training session, I used to have DOMS all the time when I used to train. God how could I have been so f’in stupid??? Having said that Chucking 80g of carbs down your throat in one sitting still feels WRONG!!!