20yo male here! How bad is my frame and how i can make it wider (especially bones growth)

Just for some perspective OP,

This is what my frame looked like before I started training with the intent of putting on mass and getting stronger:


This is what it looks like now, after a few years. I’m roughly the same age as you are now.

I have no idea if my bones got larger, but I definitely look wider. Putting on a lot of muscle and weight in general tends to do that. Your bones will sort themselves out.



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Very nice work.

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Well done, sir

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The ancient Romans had a cure for narrow chests, it would also fix weak hips, short arms and legs. Biggest downfall was that they never really developed a fix for short spines. That came later during the Spanish Inquisition days with an invention called the ‘rack’. Image below on how to do this ‘lengthening’ at home.

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This gave me a really good laugh, so much so that my Mrs came in to find me not working and laughing at my phone, I filled her in and let her read your comment, she in turn also had a good laugh.

Let’s hope this becomes this:

And not the same as the last thread that had to be shut down!


I second that…

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What are your thoughts on whipped cream and benching 225?

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So, I actually think your posture is pretty good compared to most of your peers, and especially if you spend a lot of time sitting and playing video games.

Lifting can improve your posture for sure too, even without deliberately trying to do that. Almost anything that involves extending your back will do it: deadlifts, kettlebell swings, back extensions, several yoga postures even. Depending on form, rows and overhead press, too.

Do you mean Cool Whip, or do you mean benching 600?

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Good catch! Cool Whip of course. :man_facepalming:

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Thanks @T3hPwnisher

Just to echo sentiments, I’m your age OP and I didn’t start looking how I wanted to until I started doing instead of thinking. You’ll always appreciate having more muscle even if you don’t “have a good frame”. Just eat, find a way to train that you enjoy, and live life. Don’t sweat the small stuff, it’s not worth obsessing over training and missing out on life.


Too bad no one told this guy he had a terrible bone structure:


At least this one didnt come here with tits and start arguing with everyone.

OP @Iblamelog have you lifted a single weight before making this thread?

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This is directed at the OP, your comment just sparked this post.

I know I’m going to regret this, but you seem like a good guy and I want to encourage you. So, here is a photo of me at 18 before lifting, and again at 20 after 2 years of dumbass, but consistent lifting and eating.

I’m only posting them to echo the advice other people have already given, and give another example of someone who started out similar to where you are now, and in your age bracket.


That deserves its own thread.


Lift, do GOMAD diet, get caps.

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I wonder if OP will respond to some of our inquiries.

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FWIW, I was 5’0’ tall and weighed 105 pounds as a Freshman - rolls of baby fat, had not hit puberty. I am now 6’1" and 190lbs. I grew until I was 21 or 22

My son’s best friend wrestled at 98lbs on the Varsity as a seventh grader. I watched him walk to school with his friends as a Freshman and he was the shortest of the group.

He is now six feet and one of the tallest in his group. His cousin was about a foot taller than he was in ninth grade - my son is at least four inches taller today.

Be patient grasshopper.

Oh yeah my freshman year of high school I was 6’5 and 169. I graduated at 225lb thanks to a mean strength and conditioning coach and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches between classes.
Then by the end of my freshman year of college I was 255. Wild times.