20yo male here! How bad is my frame and how i can make it wider (especially bones growth)


Do you know how to perform the barbell squat, bench press, deadlift and press overhead?


Just let @T3hPwnisher handle this one, guys. We donā€™t need another one of those threadsā€¦ :rofl:


your frame is fantastic.

you are in a great starting place.

you have plenty of runway to purposely, intelligently overeat and grow.

plenty of nutritious food. a compound lift-focused beginner program is all you need.


Yea i do my main issue tbh is posture

Super Squats would be a fantastic approach to getting wider. Iā€™d also consider Dan Johnā€™s ā€œMass Made Simpleā€


When i said getting wider i didnā€™t mean the muscles am talking about the bones (clavicles, ribcage, scapula)

Me too.


oh! So super squats and that program can widen my bones even im 20yo?
And what do think about reeves deadlifts?

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Iā€™ve never done them before. Couldnā€™t really say.

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By chace do you mean the original hack squat. Which for somereason has been renamed now?

wb the ā€œribcage and clavicles growth end at 25ā€ and others say itā€™s end when puberty end??

Stop worrying about your god damn ā€˜bonesā€™. You look healthy and normal. The good newsā€¦ youā€™re not fat! Now get under a fucking bar and start pushing some weight. Pick up a spoon and start eating something healthy in a surplus. Once you add some meat to your delts and lats you will develop a much better V-taper and the look you want will ā€˜magicallyā€™ appear with a lot of time and effort.


I have noticed many people say many things.


I smell ā€œwrist sizeā€ questions comingā€¦


JESUS ā€¦Having a flash back regarding the old clavicle surgery thread.


Wdym :skull:

huh? Is that similar to when they break short dudes legs and in 2"?

Your pics makes it look like your legs go on forever. How tall are you?

I would say that your bones have finished growing. What you see is the best that it will be. There is an argument for expanding your rib cage.

This thread begs the question: What are your goals?

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Might have been before your joining. Young man in the thread was talking about surgery to increase his shoulder width.

Dont recall the whole detailsā€¦ i believe maybe it was simular as the height surgery.

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