In the hopes of bridging the gap between the T-ransformation challenges, and in an effort to avoid the wheel spinning that often happens between them, several of us last year decided to challenge ourselves and our consistency.
The challenge is simple: make a plan, follow the plan for 4 months. That plan can be as specific or as general as you want, you just need to follow it. The challenge runs from 1st September to the end of the year and is bookmarked by the T-ransformation challenge and the August check in thread, so there’s plenty of opportunity to judge how effective your plan was.
You can also tag your log with the committed tag, as I’ve done to this thread, to make it easier for people to drop by and offer encouragement and feedback.
I’ll join in. I’ve been very consistent with my diet for a while now which has been my biggest hurdle (my whole life) and I’m currently trying to gain some strength back I lost when I sorted down. So it’ll be perfect timing.
Anyone doing anything cool (Meadows or Thibaudeau-related, come to mind)? I kinda like following along like I’ve done with @ChongLordUno and @alex_uk recently.
Ughhh I have literally no idea what kind of training I’ll be following after this
Hopefully the performance Meadows program (blend of French conrtast and hypertrophy) will come out, otherwise I’ll probably try again writing my own stuff like before lockdown
For Thibs: Off the top of my head HSS-100 (been trying to find a 4 day version of this), or The new 5x5 maybe (for people that want to train three times per week).
Edit: Pendulum Bodybuilding, should be perfect for anyone with ADD. I’m considering running this myself actually.
Who in their right mind would run that for 4 months…no thank you.
I’ve been doing the BBB Challenge and am currently on month 3. Still thinking of staying on something similar until the end of the year. Something strength focused. Hmm tempting. Could you run say different 531 flavors or is that against the rules? Or just pick one flavor and just run it back for the 4 months.
I’m not the author here, but I’d imagine so long as you plan your work and then work your plan, you’re following the spirit. There’s not many 16-week scripts anyway.
@zeptrey exactly this, make a plan, follow the plan. The plan can be as detailed and complicated or simple as you want it to be. So for my plan, my squat and deadlift days will look like this: