2008 Strength Goals?

I weigh 77kg.

Snatch: 105 kg
Clean and Jerk: 130kg

[quote]ninearms wrote:
Id like to get my back squat up to 180kg and my front to 155kg, and for my O-lifts not to suck hard, at a lean 85kg.

romanaz, why do you want to get to 80kg? Going to start lifting as a 77 eventually?[/quote]

don’t know, but I need to lean out some and I’m not to sure if I could even physically make it to 77kg. Well, probably, but I don’t know if I could maintain strength unless I took my time getting there… or visited a pharmacy.

Eventually coach would like to see me at 94, but if I do go to 94, I want to be a lean 94… like Chad Becker, one of our current 94’s… guy is ripped as hell and does 130/160 at 91kg.

honestly, I think I’m not tall enough for 94, I think I could be really competitive at 85. 77? I would probably have to train overweight and diet for competition, not my cup of tea exactly.

Bench: 405
Squat: 495
Dead: 585
PC: 275

Weight 240


Bench: 320
Squat: 425
Dead: 475
PC: 215

Weight: 285

Man this isn’t gonna be easy… Ohh yea all of that is raw btw.

800ish squat
600ish bench
700ish dead

I want to total elite as an APF men’s open 275 or 308 (or both).

My goals by the end of '08 are:
Bench: 330 → 405
Squat: 515 → 615
Dead: 595 → 700
40m: ?? → <4.9 (hand timed)
BW: 255 → <242
PC/Clean: 265 → 315
Close COC#2 the whole way with each hand.

Oh, and I have a goal to not get injured at all. And try to wean myself off the belt except for lifts >95%

Current #'s

Squat - 315
Front squat - 255
DL - 420
Bench - 265
Clean - 215 (full squat clean)


Squat 350
FS 315
DL 500+
Bench 315 again
Clean 250
600 Farmers walk (300 each)
600 Frame carry
750 Yoke
300 Atlas stone to 39" platform

To break the usapl collegiate national record for deadlift or total in the 242 or 275 weight class .

Run 2 mile in 14 min
100m 13 seconds
Snatch 225+ close to 185 atm
Clean+jerk- 315 currently close to 225+ havn’t maxed in 2 months or so
Front Squat-350+ for 3 currently low 300 for 3-also haven’t maxed-
Bench 315 for 5 currently 275
close captain of crush #3 currently can rep #2 for 5ish
-Tough but a lot can be done in 1 year-

Throw shot for 50+ with 16 lb and break school record, currently low 40’s.
Hammer throw 150+ break school record, currently 120
-should be easy to do those-

OK you young bucks, my turn:
Snatch 185 (right now just a power snatch)
C&J 235 (just restarted jerking)
Bench 3x275
Deadlift 3x425
Front Squat 300
Power Clean 280

To be alive and still training when I turn 52 in Dec 08, plus
Snatch 270
C&J 330
Bench press 360
Deadlift 570
Front Squat 400 (please, at least)
and Power Clean 330

hey, those would be really fun… :slight_smile: Doc

squat 700
bench 455
deadlift 600

250 kg weightlifting total. I dont know if that is even remotely possible but I reach for it. Right now its something like 170. Others would be 220 kg deadlift…errr…100+ kg military press would be cool. To get decent at chinups. Oh yeah and I don`t have any bodyweight goals, I weight 94 kg now .

Just for my meet in January, 590kg/~1300lb @90kg/198 so something like 215/150/225

By the end of the year and with going up to 220’s I don’t know really, say 635kg or 1400lb barrier would be nice.

[quote]Uber N3wb wrote:
Bench: 405x5
Squat: 600x5
Deadlift: 655x5

Why not dream big?[/quote]

thats right man gotta set the goals high

Bench - 275
Deadlift - 430
Squat - 365

Bench - 345
Deadlift - 500
Squat 440

I also want to pick up a martial art and improve my conditioning.

bench - 310x2
squat - 465
deadlift - 570
dumbell row 120x23
body weight - 245

bench - 365
squat - 515
deadlift - 650
strict curl - 200
dumbell row - 150x20
skull crushers - 215
bodyweight - 260-265

[quote]Dr.PowerClean wrote:
OK you young bucks, my turn:
Snatch 185 (right now just a power snatch)
C&J 235 (just restarted jerking)
Bench 3x275
Deadlift 3x425
Front Squat 300
Power Clean 280

To be alive and still training when I turn 52 in Dec 08, plus
Snatch 270
C&J 330
Bench press 360
Deadlift 570
Front Squat 400 (please, at least)
and Power Clean 330

hey, those would be really fun… :slight_smile: Doc


those would be damn nice lifts at your age, any competitions you could do for that age group? If there were competitions be a good way to keep you motivated also.

bench 405
front squat 300
gm 380
one hand snatch 120x5
be able to do a one legged squat
do 15 pull ups

another goal is to drop down in weight to 225(i was 300 pounds went down to 258)

Squat: 550
Bench: 350
DL: 550

Add 20-30lbs of bodyweight, then lean up. Bulking gut needs to go sometime next year.

I’m a neophyte(only been lifting freeweights for ~8 months) so my goals are to continue building a strength base and gain a little more size - I think I’d like to try powerlifting in the 242 weight class someday down the road.

Bench 185lbs->255lbs
Squat 275-> 315 (at least)
DL 315 → 405 (at least)
Power snatch 115 ->135
Power clean 155 → 205

Current Raw PRs
Bench: 395
Squat: 455
Deadlift: 561

Goals for 2008
Bench: 405
Squat: 500
Deadlift: 600

I think these are in my reach, in fact I will be rather pissed off if I don’t hit all of them.