2007's Great Gym Moments

What was your greatest moment, or most memorable moment in the gym during 2007?

Mine took place in April. This is what I wrote on my “Shut Up Experiment” thread:

Talk about being human:


One night I was kickin’ bootie in the gym while doing deadlifts. I thought I heard something rip but my gym clothes are so big on me now there was no way it could of been that.

When I got home and took off my clothes, guess what…I had completely ripped the front part of my undies in half!!!

Luckily they were just big o’ grannie panties, so no big deal, but that was kind of a rush to know I ripped my undies!! I kinda felt like The Incredible Hulk for a moment!!


Hope you guys have some memorable moments! Let’s hear about um.


Unfortunately, none of these are that exciting for the general population, (you all), but they tickled me pink.

Hit some squat and deadlift goals.

Watched some guy simultaneously use 3 swiss balls of varying sizes, a cable, and a barbell in some bizarre act? feat? (What would you call it?!) of balance. In any case, it left everyone in the gym puzzled. Quite literally, things inside came to a halt while this guy did…whatever it was he did. That was followed by upside down squats on the smith machine, mind you.

Definitely tore a rotator and proceeded to pass out on my way outside of the gym. Turns out when you puke while driving to the gym, twice, you shouldn’t proceed to the gym. Lesson learned.

Maybe I can think of something a bit more exciting - I’ll get back to ya.

I’d have to say my best gym moment was doing 325+chains on box squat 3’’ above parallel for 10 reps, I shocked myself how quick I was putting up the weight.

deadlifting 420lbs @ 203lbs bw for my highest deadlift to bw ratio of 2.07. … then injuring myself squatting a PR of 335 a few days later… which later pushed me into olympic weightlifting.

mid october - during my competition prep I clean and jerked 80kg or 176lbs which means I finally clean and jerked more then I have ever benced (175). at my october meet, I cleaned 85kg or 187lbs and didn’t get a chance to jerk it, but that was a bodyweight clean at the time. That was landmark.

and thats it.

Saw a guy/kid use a chin stand, added all the weights for the assistance (100kg), smiled as he was doing 5kg total chins, the fell off. Haahha. I didnt bother hiding my laughter.

Best gym moment, started dips and chins.

ive had a hulk moment whilst hitting atg squats i literally destroyed the back of my boardshorts, then continued to finish my squats…

proudest moments?

squats going from 8x40kg → 5 x 110kg
deadlift going from 130kg-175kg

dips going from needing the assistance machine too doing sets with 25kg attached

not being able to do a chinup, doing sets of 5 with an extra 15kg attached

going from 15kg dumbbell shoulder press, up to 25kg then doing my rotator cuff, then coming back later this year doing sets with 35kg dumbbells

Squatting 385 and front squatting 225 for the first time. I’m way beyond the 225 frsq now but it was cool do do for 3 reps initially.

Also starting o lifting and cleaning 100 kg and snatching (kinda) 80 kg. I also just beat the c&j by 10 kg tonight but it was still cool.

Also getting 20 dead hang chins in a row was fun. dips with 60kg attached is the next goal besides c&j and snatch.


My proudest weight moment was doing a 540lb leg press!!

That felt GREAT!!!


I’d say 07 was in no way special a good year for me at the gym, but I just hit 355 sumo pull today. Hopefully better things will come in '08.

My friend pooped himself on the bench… he did break his PR, though.

[quote]Makavali wrote:
My friend pooped himself on the bench… he did break his PR, though.[/quote]

A friend, huh?

I’ll have you know I only pooped myself doing squats.

Wow, bad call to say that in a public forum.

[quote]Makavali wrote:
I’ll have you know I only pooped myself doing squats.

Wow, bad call to say that in a public forum.[/quote]

Its okay buddy. We won’t tell anyone. Pinky swear ;D

[quote]jtg987 wrote:
ive had a hulk moment whilst hitting atg squats i literally destroyed the back of my boardshorts, then continued to finish my squats…

proudest moments?

squats going from 8x40kg → 5 x 110kg
deadlift going from 130kg-175kg

dips going from needing the assistance machine too doing sets with 25kg attached

not being able to do a chinup, doing sets of 5 with an extra 15kg attached

going from 15kg dumbbell shoulder press, up to 25kg then doing my rotator cuff, then coming back later this year doing sets with 35kg dumbbells[/quote]

What kind of a training routines did you use to reach these goals?

How long did it take you?

Four great moments of 2007:

Finally hitting a 225 lb clean from the floor in February.

Squatting 405 lbs for my 1RM in March

Deadlifting 410 lbs at the end of a wave training workout (monumental for me because I started deadlifting 5 years after I started squatting)

Measuring my arms (flexed) 1/4" bigger than my brother’s arms (something like 15 1/4" vs 15")

Now the new goals are to hit a 275 lb bench press, 225 lb clean AND jerk, and push either squat or deadlift in to the 500’s.

[quote]Der Candy wrote:
jtg987 wrote:

squats going from 8x40kg → 5 x 110kg
deadlift going from 130kg-175kg

dips going from needing the assistance machine too doing sets with 25kg attached

not being able to do a chinup, doing sets of 5 with an extra 15kg attached

going from 15kg dumbbell shoulder press, up to 25kg then doing my rotator cuff, then coming back later this year doing sets with 35kg dumbbells

What kind of a training routines did you use to reach these goals?

How long did it take you?[/quote]

pushed myself to the limits also having a fucking average love life helped especially one of my ex’s lol

i just kept doing the exercises the deadlift was hit on december 30th, i was stuck at 170 for the longest time,

Not too many for me. Didn’t hit my goals, but I got some PRs on variation lifts. Unfortunately

reverse band pull 675 (no straps)

good morning 435 + 50 lb chains.

130 lb db row x 20 (no straps)

150 lb db row x 12(no straps)–this should soon be for 20 as well

And a very special place in my heart for freaking out the 24hr Fatness junkies by repeatedly headbutting the bar before my 420lb GM, and then again doing power snatch (no headbutts though). Glad my little brother was not freaked though–he understands.

Getting stapled to the box on the first rep of my last warm-up set (a weight I should have been good for 10-12 reps with), tried to fight through it and ended up leaning too far fowards to dump the weight.

My training partner wasnt paying attention since it was supposed to be “just a warmup”. I ended up doing a super deep eccentric good morning in order to set the bar down on the fixed pins in the rack. I felt so bad afterwards that I really didnt have it in me to work out, I just left.

Learning proper technique on the clean and jerk (thanks to Koing from the O-Lifting thread).

My first muscle up was definitely my finest moment. I have since done 5 consecutively.