I have a question about when to take ZMA. Most sources I’ve found recommend that ZMA be taken right before bedtime to induce deeper sleep and produce a greater GH response. But I’m taking ZMA to increase my testosterone level. Will taking ZMA at this time increase my testosterone at night enough to inhibit the effects of the LH surge at around 5am or so since the LH surge is triggered by a lack of testosterone? In any case when would be the best time to take ZMA to increase testosterone levels?
The reason people recommend ZMA be taken at night is because this is a good time for it’s absorption and because the effect magnesium has on inducing sleep. Zinc and magnesium are not things you can take and 30 minutes later measure a hormonal increase. It takes time to build up your zinc and magnesium levels and also takes time to deplete these levels. After a month or so of supplementation you might notice a mild increase in T if you were deficient to begin with. (most athletes are deficient to a certain extent). Without enough zinc your body has a harder time manufacturing testosterone…with enough zinc then you will have rather normal, not supraphysiological high levels of T. So don’t expect any miracles in testosterone or muscle mass from ZMA…If you’re going to take the product take it as a prevention against exercise induced testosterone depletion or maybe a mild increase in T, and better sleep. In the long run better sleep and better health and mineral balance can go a long way in your training
I normally don’t answer questions as I know others will but I noticed no one has answered this. The worst thing is to let a fellow T-Man wander in the dark. So here is the light: The best time to take ZMA, as recommended by Biotest among other supplement companies and scientific experts, is 30-60 minutes before bed on an empty stomach, or with foods containing little or no calcium (as it negates the absorption and effect of zinc). Hope that helps!!! Whew! There! Now I don’t have to live with the guilt that a fellow T-Man did not gain expertise on a subject he entrusted his fellow T-Men to aid him with!
Job well done T-Teen!