Best time to take ZMA?

I would really like to take ZMA but I have such a hard time fitting it into my eating schedule. You are supposed to take ZMA on an empty stomach before bed. Before I go to sleep I have to have my protein shake (casine) with hemp oil. Now I guess the calcium from the protein blocks the absorption of the magnesium in ZMA. So taking it with protein negates ZMA’s effects. Is this true? When is the best time to take ZMA? How are the rest of you taking it?

Take your ZMA, wait approx. 30 min. and drink your shake.
Ideal would be 60 min.

Try taking ZMA after supper(assuming its between 4-6 PM for you) and 1-2 hours prior to your last meal. I have noticed it is more important to consume it some time in the evening prior to catching your ZZZs.