all the people talking about sprints I find it hard to believe that gave you your MOST soreness. Sure they are fucking brutal, but i thought the op was referring to what gave you the worst second day sourness.
Mine was a leg day
Squats 5x5
Deadlift 5x5
Box Squat 5x5
Leg extensions 3 sets 20-15-10 increase weight
Leg ham curls 3 sets 20-15-10 increase weight
Lunges to failure
Finish with hill machine bike.
Now this is usually close to what my leg day is like-not as much volume-, but one day i decided to push myself hard-more weight less rest- and man was I sore. I personally don’t like to do ‘hardcore’ days because then I have to rest more in order to not mess up my routine timing so it throws me off.
My most evil routine is the one I’m doing right now.
Why is it evil? Because it’s too much. I can’t keep doing this every 2nd day and keep increasing in performance because it’s killer. 21sets.
It goes:
2 sets of msx. push ups with 1 min rest.
2 sets of leg press. 350kgs for max reps with 1 min rest.
2 set of seated row. 100kgs for max reps with 1 min rest (are you seeing a pattern here, grasshopper?)
2 sets of inc. DB Pr. 30kgs for max reps supersetted with Cable press.
2 sets of Single Arm curls, 20kg for max reps supersetted with conc. curls for max reps.
2 sets of Standing Ext. Rotations, triple setted with:
2 sets of Calf presses with:
2 sets of DB shrugs.
Followed with 1 set of max. push ups.
I feel shakey and week for a few hours later, no matter how much food I eat. This is one tough training session. That I’m doing 3-4 times a week.