You Cannot Out-Exercise A Bad Diet

Weekend Reminder:

You cannot out-exercise a bad diet.

You also cannot out-diet no training.

Training drives composition.

Nutrition reveals it.

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As someone who does a physical job and different types of training i disagree.
My diet consists of junk food and some chicken, in order for me to get in 5000-7000kcal a day in order to just maintain my weight. I have always had a full six pack when i was 220lbs and i still have it now when im 255lbs and bulking. My problem with food is only where to get most calories in the least amount of food volume. If i skip a meal, the next day my abs are like half an inch deep(the lines between the muscle). You definitely can out-exercise anything. You just need to burn more than you eat.

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So you think that you could give me a calorie target and let me tell you what to eat, and you could progress?

There are foods that are inflammatory in general, or specifically to me. High fructose can not be managed by the liver without hormonal issues. High linoleic acid oils in large amounts raise inflammation and cortisol, block growth hormone and testosterone, and result in measurable insulin resistance after a night of high cortisol and insulin.

Wheat and milk are inflammatory to me, as are foods that raise Uric Acid, and that raises cortisol, reduces testosterone and GH and causes hypothyroidism.

The American diet is high in Fructose, Linoleic Acid oils and certain starches that a fairly high percentage of the population has sensitivities to.

I used to load trucks for 8 hours starting at 11:00 pm and worked constantly during that period and I could grab 6 donuts, 2 breakfast burritos and a quart of whole milk and go to sleep for 11 hours and maintain my bodyweight, but I was 25 years old. I canā€™t do that now. If I ate 5000 cals a day Iā€™d have to walk 20 miles to keep my calories in balance. Studies with WALKING have shown that health improves up to at least 30 miles a week, but starts to reverse at 40-60 miles and that health markers and likelyhood of dying from disease are greater at 100 miles a week than for someone who does ZERO exercise, and that would only make up for 5 days of extra calories up to my capacity.

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Dude, I feel like making this post without explicitly mentioning that you are on a bunch of steroids, including a literal decade-long tren run, is pretty disingenuous.


No, i didnt mean it to such extremes.
What i ment was that normal people can eat more of something shitty if they just move a bit more. There are lots of healthy athletes who eat some junk to keep the calories high. You are going into extreme details. Im just talking about average person who could eat a bit more freely if he would be willing to move a bit more.

Is it? I dont know.
If everything was only about injecting stuff, most people would be saying exactly what i am. But somehow many of guys who lift and juice are still fat as fuck.
I mean, sure you can say ā€œits trenā€ but then you have no idea how it is to wrestle and spar with people for 5 hours a day. Tren or no tren, you would drop dead and not show up for work the very next day.
Tren does not really put in the hours spent in a heart rate of 140+ :slight_smile: If it would be so, then steroids would be prescribed to cure obesity. Tren is also a top choice for many powerlifters who remain fat and cant run worth a shit. Why arent they all super ripped while eating basically like i am?
Its easy to scream ā€œsteroidsā€ when you probably cant even survive 1 hour of serious conditioning, and definetly have no clue that some people do that the entire day, for years and years on end :slight_smile:

Yes, disagreeing with someone about how important the quality of our food is by using yourself as an example, and describing your diet and training regimen but neglecting to mention rampant use of a drug like tren is definitely disingenuous.

And I was in Marine corps infantry, I have plenty of an idea what itā€™s like to spend more than 5 hours a day doing absolutely miserable stuff and having to get back up for runs at 0400.

Youā€™re acting like I came in and accused you of taking steroids for no reason. I donā€™t care what you do, Iā€™m just telling you your n=1 example of ā€œI eat x and donā€™t get fatā€ is not something you can claim would be the case if you werenā€™t on gear. You are very open about your steroid use everywhere else on the forum, describing pretty insane doses and durations, so for you to not mention it here and then get defensive about it and start telling me what I can or canā€™t do - which you clearly have no idea about - is pretty telling.


Yes, activity can neutralize many of the potential negative effects of fructose and linoleic acid by burning them as fuel before they need to be stored to get them out of the bloodstream. You still donā€™t want to bulk up on fructose and linoleic acid because when you try to loose the fat that is built on them they get released and can make fat loss doubly hard by activating inflammation. Activity can also reduce the insulin you need to expose yourself to to manage carbs, by circulating the insulin optimally, and by allowing uptake of glucose without insulin so activity, and burning as much as you eat each day can negate many harmful components of modern diet.

If you need Tren to do the work to outwork 7000 calories then clearly most people canā€™t outwork 7000 calories, and with Tren, you canā€™t do it forever since LVH and low HDL on Tren put subjects at a relative health risk of about 1.3 (about 1.3 x more likely of having a major negative health effect within 2 years). That is basically equivalent to burning the candle 30% faster so to speak.

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I think heā€™s in a different country, and I am one of those who believes that most pro athletes are on gear, so I donā€™t really have much of an opinion on that either.

I definitely didnā€™t wanna open up a talk about the morality of steroids in competition or at all, just the morality of not mentioning an obvious factor in looking a certain way despite oneā€™s diet.

I certainly donā€™t know of many pro fighters who walk around looking anything like that dude despite all their training.

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I deleted my post. It doesnā€™t affect me and itā€™s complicated and probably should be reserved for conversations with willing participants.


A like wasnā€™t enough.
I wrestled and then played Army. I remember having to eat practically nothing to make weight wrestling and kids were still able to get fat in the army.

I am not saying thereā€™s no credibility to @hankthetank89ā€™s opinions because of his drug use, but it is certainly a necessary disclaimer.

I do believe folks can outrun the visible effects of a poor diet with enough activity (and youth and good genetics) for some time. Thatā€™s only practical for most of us if weā€™re making our living doing something athletic. I have to imagine itā€™s not doing us any health favors as we get on in years either.


Shouldnā€™t these kinds of things be more about statistical relevance than the outliers? We know that there are people who can smoke a pack a day and suffer no health issues. We also know that, for the average human being, smoking a pack a day leaves them vulnerable to a host of health issues.

Itā€™s the same thing with diet and exercise.


I just shared my opinion and disagreed with the claim of OP.
The discussion was about something else, not performance enhacing. I didnt know i cant partake in this topic because i have decided how i want to live my lifeā€¦

Im not defensive about that. I truly believe that steroids do not get you off your ass and make you burn calories because there are more tren users who do not share the same experience when it comes to out-exercising a diet.
As far as mentioning it every topic i want to partake - man wtf.
Anyways, as i understand, you will always be there to mention it for me.
I will try not to write anything anywhere outside Pharma topics, but if sometimes i slip up im sure you will save everyone by yelling what steroids i take :slight_smile:

Can you go ahead and show me how many topics Iā€™ve mentioned it in?

This is a flagrant lie, but if Iā€™ve mentioned it before, Iā€™m sure there was a contextual reason. Still, you participate in a lot of topics and I certainly donā€™t follow you around telling about it.

I was talking about you wanting me to say it in every topic i partake. I think its stupid as most of the stuff we do, does not change how AAS work or dont work.
The biggest problem is that you either have never done em, or have no clue how they work, but there are 99% of steroid users on this forum who have nothing to show for it, so i guess its not as simple as ā€œjust take tren and eat what you wantā€. In fact, with all the LDL sides and LVH risks of AAS, one would have to do double the work, to not drop dead like that.

When a topic is about drugs we can talk drugs. When it is about moving more, we talk about that. If you feel the need to say what i take - be my guest but dont expect me to start every comment with that line as i do not believe it matters :slight_smile:

When did I ask you to mention it every topic? When you hop on a video/post telling people that they canā€™t out-train a bad diet with a contradiction, because YOU out-train a bad diet, and you give a summary of your diet and talk up and down about your insane training, but you fail to mention that you take a lot of performance enhancing drugs, youā€™re omitting crucial information.

It matters here. In this thread. AKA, the only time I can recall ever having brought it up. And smiley faces at the end of every single angry post donā€™t exactly sway the mood of the post, bud.

Strongman and powerlifters take the same drugs. Why they fat, yo? There must be some different factor, right?

I havent posted anything angry. Most people see me as angry, its just somewhat of a ā€œresting bitch faceā€ only im on a ā€œresting angry-moodā€. When i sit at home in front of a computer it means im relaxing, so whenever i can post anything, you can be sure i am calm, relaxed, probably eating cake and totally happy.

Even seals need heroā€™s!

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On the topic Iā€™m a firm believer that genetics play the biggest part in this. Iā€™ve seen people stay lean with all sorts of junk food diets and Iā€™ve also seen people struggle to keep any kind of abs when they even sniff a cake.

You also need to factor in daily activity, a person who works a desk job just couldnā€™t ā€˜out exerciseā€™ a bad diet with as much ease as someone with a physical job, but thatā€™s not saying itā€™s not possible.

So back to the original statement in the OP post, yeah some people can out exercise a bad diet but itā€™s not going to be possible for everyone.

For every rule there will be an exception.


You didnā€™t respond to my last request for information so Iā€™m not holding my breath here, but do strongmen and powerlifters take the same drugs? Are they all fat? Could the factor be the shitty food theyā€™re eating?

This whole conversation is super weird, and I feel like Iā€™m debating an army of straw men.

I feel like we can end the conversation here. Best of luck with everything.

I feel like this whole conversation was unnecessary and started by your personal reasons to attack me. We talked about diet and physical activity, but you felt the need to scream ā€œtrenā€. And the fact that you think that people get shredded by just injecting anything, shows you are talking about something you have never done, which just makes everything you say worthless. Why would you even speak of things you havent even held in your hand, not to mention actually taking and seeing what they do?
I never speak about stuff i havent done. Peace.