WS4SB: Multiple Max Lifts?

I’m thinking of trying westside for skinny bastards. Just one question thought. On the ME upper body day it says to work up to a max triple… but you only do that with a push-movment. Would it be alright to work up to a max triple with two exercises on that day? I was thinking chins and dips.

FUCK NO! But you can max on chins 1 week and dips the next week. One of the big points of Westside-Style training, even in WS4SB, is that you only max out in 1 Bench/Upper Body lift each week and you only max out in 1 Squat/Deadlift lift each week. You can’t handle any more than that.

First, I’ll point you to this thread:

Frankly, I wouldn’t do it. I’ve had no problem adding weight to my rows and I’ve been able to do more pull-ups despite gaining quite a bit of weight. Also, you shouldn’t be doing a vertical pull on ME day.

[quote]wfifer wrote:
First, I’ll point you to this thread:

Frankly, I wouldn’t do it. I’ve had no problem adding weight to my rows and I’ve been able to do more pull-ups despite gaining quite a bit of weight. Also, you shouldn’t be doing a vertical pull on ME day. [/quote]

The program doesn’t have you do vertical pulls because on ME days you do a Horizontal Pulling/Rear Delt Superset. But Weighted Chin-ups is one of the ME exercises. You could conceivably do…

Weighted Chin-ups (3RM)
Dumbbell Floor Press
T-bar Row/Dumbbell Power Clean Superset
Dumbbell Shrug/Zottman Curl Superset

And still be within the parameters of the workout.

And there’s nothing wrong with doing a Vertical Pull on ME day. Sure, it’s not in the same plane as the bench press but as long as you’re doing Horizontal Pulls in your program and not leaving them out it doesn’t really matter.

Sorry, didn’t really notice that weighted chins were added since the original version. What’s the logic behind this exactly? And while I’m on the subject of different versions, I don’t do the supersets either.

I don’t really see why you’d switch the horizontal and vertical pulling. Then again, I don’t really follow the program exactly either. I did ME squats twice a week for three weeks and got great results. It’s not something I plan on doing often, but I really wanted to squat so I rolled with it.