This might help you set things up. Feel free to choose your own set/rep parameters for your goals. These are the four-week cycles I’ve used (and one I’m currently using) and have made good progress in strength and size.
Training Block 1 (4-week phase):
Day 1 (3x3)
Back Squat
Barbell Bench
Good Mornings
Barbell Row
Calf Raises 3x8-12
Leg raises 3x8-12
Day 2 (4x12)
Barbell Hack Squats
Decline Bench
Stiff-legged Deadlift
Upright row
Hammer curl
Swiss ball crunches
Day 3 (4x6)
Overhead Press
Close-grip bench
EZ bar curl
Russian twists 3x8-15
Training Block 2 (4-week phase):
Day 1 (3x3)
Overhead Press
Close-grip bench
Barbell curl (cheat curls)
Day 2 (3x8)
Decline Bench
Lateral raises
Reverse curl
Swiss ball crunches
Day 3 (4x6)
Back Squat
Barbell Bench
Barbell Row
Leg raises
Training Block 3 (current 4-week phase):
Agility Work
Jump rope (2-3 sets)
Day 1 (7,5,3,5,5)
Back Squat
Barbell Bench
Barbell Row
Day 2 (2x5, 3x3)
Power Cleans
Barbell Hack Squat
Push Press
Day 3 (5,5,4,4,3,2)
V-grip Chins
Close-grip bench
Sled drags
Sandbag lift/carry
Farmer?s walks
Cardio (20-30 mins) or,
Sprints 3x30, 1-2x60
NOTES: The first week is always an “introduction” week. I pick a weight I can get all sets/reps. The second week I add weight. The third week I go all out, I may hit failure and I may not make all reps. The fourth week is a back-off week. I do the same sets/reps, but I will drop the weight 20-30 or more pounds.