Workout Plan Critique

Thinking about starting this plan, something I whipped together myself. Tell me what you guys think. Too much, not enough, please help me out. I’m going for maximum hypertrophy with strength gains if possible.

Monday - 3 sets x 8 reps
Incline DB Press
Nuetral Grip Cable Row
Upright Rows
Dumbell Curl
Overhead Tri Extension

Wednesday - 5 sets x 3 reps
Bench Press

Friday - 3 sets x 12 sets
Lat Pulldown
Standing Military Press
Decline BB Bench Press
Stiff Leg Deadlift
Decline Nosebreakers
Standing BB Curls

I think that putting heavy Squat, Bench and Deadlift on the same day will limit your plan’s effectiveness. If you push yourself on the monday workout then something on wednesday will suffer. By that token, if you work hard on wednesday, you will probably be sore all over on thursday and friday. Take a look at Chad Waterbury’s Total-Body Training article for more ideas on this type of a training split.

While wednesday look a thing of beauty on paper. I am affraid Jared may be right on this one. Oh and also wednesday IMO needs chins added to it.

I would put one of those big movements each day and build around it.

I have actually done Chad’s TBT training and liked it but I wanted a similar plan more customized towards my strenghts and weaknesses. I also like the idea of a powerlifting day but not sure of its effectiveness.

This might help you set things up. Feel free to choose your own set/rep parameters for your goals. These are the four-week cycles I’ve used (and one I’m currently using) and have made good progress in strength and size.

Training Block 1 (4-week phase):

Day 1 (3x3)
Back Squat
Barbell Bench
Good Mornings
Barbell Row
Calf Raises 3x8-12
Leg raises 3x8-12

Day 2 (4x12)
Barbell Hack Squats
Decline Bench
Stiff-legged Deadlift
Upright row
Hammer curl
Swiss ball crunches

Day 3 (4x6)
Overhead Press
Close-grip bench
EZ bar curl
Russian twists 3x8-15

Training Block 2 (4-week phase):

Day 1 (3x3)
Overhead Press
Close-grip bench
Barbell curl (cheat curls)

Day 2 (3x8)
Decline Bench
Lateral raises
Reverse curl
Swiss ball crunches

Day 3 (4x6)
Back Squat
Barbell Bench
Barbell Row
Leg raises

Training Block 3 (current 4-week phase):

Agility Work
Jump rope (2-3 sets)

Day 1 (7,5,3,5,5)
Back Squat
Barbell Bench
Barbell Row

Day 2 (2x5, 3x3)
Power Cleans
Barbell Hack Squat
Push Press

Day 3 (5,5,4,4,3,2)
V-grip Chins
Close-grip bench

Sled drags
Sandbag lift/carry
Farmer?s walks

Cardio (20-30 mins) or,
Sprints 3x30, 1-2x60

NOTES: The first week is always an “introduction” week. I pick a weight I can get all sets/reps. The second week I add weight. The third week I go all out, I may hit failure and I may not make all reps. The fourth week is a back-off week. I do the same sets/reps, but I will drop the weight 20-30 or more pounds.