This is the 3 week program i came up with that i’m now in week 2 of. Its heavily influenced by Chad Waterbury’s ideas, total body (although i have a slight traps/deltoid emphasis), use of 10 x 3, and one high rep day for active recovery.
Deadlift 10 x 3
Chin up 4 x 6
front squat 4 x 6
incline bench 4 x 6
barbell shrug 4 x 6
bench press 10 x 3
bent over bb row 4 x 6
dumbell lunges 4 x 6
reverse hyper (with dbs in hands) 4 x 6
lateral raises 4 x 6
DB bench press 2 x 18
Seated cable row 2 x 18
leg extension 2 x 18
leg curl 2 x 18
DB military press 2 x 18
BB back squat 10 x 3
wide grip bench press to neck 4 x 6
lat pulldown 4 x 6
good morning 4 x 6
DB shrugs 4 x 6
Hang clean 10 x 3
decline bench press 4 x 6
leg press 4 x 6
leg curl 4 x 6
Military press (DB or BB) 4 x 6
Each week, i try to increase the reps on the 10 sets exercises and will end the routine after week 3 (10 x 5) and then will do a back-off week of light training. All other exercises, i just increase the weight when possible.
Ideally, i wouldn’t do the 5 days in a row, but it fits my schedule nicely so i put the 2 x 18 day in the middle for active recovery. I will probably do CW’s QD program after this but will probably revisit this program at some point (the last exercise each day would probably be changed to emphasize something different though), and i would like suggestions for the next time around.
p.s. And yes, i’m eating at least 300 calories over every day (usually closer to 500) and am trying to get in naps to compensate for when i don’t sleep as well.