Just moving from a four-day split to a three-day split and intend to use the following plan.
My goal is to lose fat and hopefully maintain muscle, I am following the T-Dawg diet. Load is obviously relative to rep-range.
Monday: (1)Bench Press 3x6, (2)Weighted Dips 3x6, (3)Super-Set of Incline DB Press/Incline DB Flyes 2x10/10, (4)Giant-Set of DB Shoulder Press/Lat Raise/Front Raise 3x6/6/6,(5)Skullcrushers 3x10.
I think your plan is a little out of balance. First, have you figured out your weaknesses? Do that! Then schedule your weak areas for the first day of the training week. You definitely have way more chest work than you probably need and more quad than hamstring work. The other stuff looks good, but I also don’t think you need two movements that do the same thing (squats and leg press). The only reason to use a vareity of movements is if you are doing 1-3 sets per exercise and you are training more for bodybuilding, where variety and multiple angles are important.
I personally prefer to split things up Ian King style (I'll give an example below) or Westside style. If following King's method of splitting up bodyparts, you could do something like this (focusing on typical imbalances). DAY 1: Hip dominant (deadlifts, stiff-legged deadlifts or good mornings), Horizontal pulling (rows), biceps. DAY 2: Horizontal pushing (bench), vertical pushing (shoulders), triceps. DAY 3: Quad dominant (squats), vertical pulling (chins), calves.
And you could do abs on each training day as well. This is only one way of dividing it up. Best way would be to figure out your weaknesses and make adjustments. I hope that helps! Good luck with your training and nutrition.