Hey folks, once the bench press challenge is done, I’m going to go back to a 3 days a week TBT. I’ve been lifting for exactly 1 year. I’m 5"11 185 lbs. I don’t know my 1 RMs for sure except dl
Deadlift: 315
Bench: ~200
Squats: actualy no idea, but I generally do 185 for 10 without difficulty.
Chins: 11 reps
Here’s the plan, I’d like to know what you think about it:
Day 1
All exercises 5x5 with 2 minute breaks.
Power Clean
Incline Bench [or Military Press]
Chins [or Pulls]
Abs [this one 4x12]
Day 3
All exercises 4x10 with 90 second breaks
Flat Bench [or Dips]
Bent over Rows [or Horizontal Cable Rows]
Farmers Walks.
Day 5
All exercises 10x3
Incline Bench [or Military Press]
Chins [or Pulls]
Abs [this one 4x12]
The idea is to do it this way for 2 months and then make the Day 3 exercises the Days 1 and 7 exercises. i.e After two months I would do Flat bench on day 1 and day 7 for 5x5 and 10x3 and Incline Bench on Day 3 for 4x10.
This way I’m hoping I can train exercises for strength and then put them on Day 3 to gain size. After 2 months of that I’ll switch the push/pull exercises to be perfromed so that Incline Bench becomes Military Press and Flat Bench becomes Dips. After 2 months I’ll then switcht those exercises between the days. And so forth.
My hope that this plan will give me enough variability [rep ranges, times doing an exercise per week, and exercises performed] within the same routine, so that I can get into a habit without doing a stale workout.
I’m still humming and hawwing over what kind of cardio parameters to do on the off days. Nutrition will be Berardi.