Well i started my workout about 4 weeks ago. I started at 244 pounds and went down to 227 the first week, it was mostly water weight since i used to do boxing and i can always cut water weight off me easily. Now in the last 3 weeks i have gone down to 215 so about 4 pounds a week which is reasonable counting i go the gym 4-5 days a week and work out for a little over an hour everytime. Now i am set with my diet and i no longer need help with that, i believe i have read enough to know what i should eat so this is just a broad question concerning a workout program for someone going to the gym 4-5 times a week.
I will give you some backroung info to help you:
I just turned 17 and i have played about every sport you can imgine but never seriously. I played basketball as defence, same for football and soccer. I also used to box, had a 2-0 record and fought at 205, so i have some background but not in weightlifting.
Here are some stats that may help you determin more on the workout:
Bench 1RM- 140
Squat 1RM- 350 (Real Squat)
Deadlift 1RM- 300
Leg Press 1RM- ?? (Did 1000 pounds 10 reps, full motion)
I would consider my legs to be real strong, but my uperbody is lacking, this is really visible becuase my legs are well defined and are muscular as hell with almost no fat, while my upperbody looks like it doesnt fit in the equation. So i was wondering what a 5 day workout shoudl look like. I may also add that i do cardio everyday. i can do a mile in 8 minutes and run at a constant pace 7mph for about 25 minutes.
Things that i really want to get rid of: Fat on my chest
man boobs), Gut, little on the arms, and my love handles.
As you can see it is very hard to follor programs around when most are dedicated towards real strong people and i am not there yet. So any help would be appreciated.
My goal would be to be big(240lb) but exchage my fat to muscle. Shoudl i lift weights for now and drop the cardio? Do cardio only to lose the fat first? Do both? What excercice will help my upper body strenght?
One last question concerns supplements… do you guys reccomend any supplements from this site and which ones and for what reason. I once again will like to thank everyone in advance.