Hey guys, I’m new to the site, I’ve been browsing around all day and it seems like I’ve finally found somewhere where everyone knows what they’re talking about. Well I could really use some advice to help me acheive the physique I am dying to get. Right now I am 6’2" 173 lbs. I am thinking my body fat is around 16% but its just an estimate.
My goal is to drastically lower my bodyfat percentage but not lose too much muscle. I tried this in the past and was weighing in at 160 which I think is extremely low with no real definition.
I have been trying to bulk lately but it seems like all I’m doing is putting on fat. I workout 6 days a week right now, doing cardio and ab work every other day but I know that my workout can greatly be enhanced. As of now it is…
Monday, Chest
Bench Press
Incline DB Press
Cable Crossovers
Decline DB Press
Incline DB Flyes
25 min cardio
60 leg raises
30 russian twists
60 decline crunches
Wednesday, Arms
Incline DB Curls
Hammer Curls
Isometric DB curls
Skull Crushers
Tricep Extensions
25 min cardio
60 leg raises
30 russian twists
60 decline crunches
Friday, Back/Shoulders
Seated Rows
Seated Pull Downs
Upright Rows
DB Shoulder Press
Front and Side DB Raises
25 min cardio
60 leg raises
30 russian twists
60 decline crunches
Now this is something I completely put together myself and I know it could use a lot of tweaking if not a completely new basis altogether. I’m open for any ideas. I just want a workout that will help me lower my body fat and give me a very lean athletic appearance. If you need any more info let me know. These are my pics from about 3 weeks ago.