Hey guyz, I’m fairly new to T-Nation as you can probably tell by my weak post count. Seeing as I’m a beginner I thought the logical thing would be to seek help from people who know what there actually talking about.
Recently I’ve noticed my back has been troubling me in my workouts and just hasn’t been pain free lately. It’s not so much pain it just seems to be tight in certain area’s causing discomfort more then anything.
So If anyone could give me some advice on how to save my back or just improve my workout in general it would be such a BIG!!! help. Also I workout at home as I dont have the time to hit the gym on a regular basis. Heres my routine
3 x Week
Skipping (Warm-up)
Pushups (2x12) 5 inch elevation
Tricep dips (3x12)
Gluteau bridge (1x12)
Modified Fire Hydrants (1x12) “Glute training for dudes”
Glute Alphabet (1x12) “Glute training for dudes”
Static backholds(3x12) “don’t know the name but your lying on your stomach and lift your arms and legs”
Pushups (2x12) 5 inch elevation
Tons of different streches (15 mins)
There’s not much vareity to my workout and thats problem going to lead to issuses down the road. If anyone has advice i’d really love to hear it before I cause damage to myself.
static back hold is called a super man. try it for 12 weeks, then move on. E-mail me at Ericcpt at hotmail dot com and ill send you the workout i give all my initial clients,
the was to save your back is working on your core stabilite and progressing onto core strenght, i would recommend seeking a chiropractor and getting an assesment. or just ask me anything oyu need to know in an e-mail.
Ops, yea I probably should of Mention some of my goals from the start. It’s only this year that I have really started to pay attention to trainning and want to get serious about it. I don’t have weights at my house hence why I use my bodyweight.
My overall main Goals are strength and flexiblity! I want to be strong pound for pound but have greater or the same ROM that I started with.
Height 5,11
Weight 145 lb
Body Type “Ectomorph (Hardgainer)”
[quote]Fulford wrote:
I don’t have weights at my house hence why I use my bodyweight.
My overall main Goals are strength and flexiblity! I want to be strong pound for pound but have greater or the same ROM that I started with.
Height 5,11
Weight 145 lb
Body Type “Ectomorph (Hardgainer)”[/quote]
First off, if you want to get strong, find a gym or buy some weights. You can build endurance with body weight exercises, and perhaps some strength, but doing body weight push-ups will never make you strong, trust me, I’ve tried. Secondly, stop worrying about being strong pound for pound, it’s like being tall inch for inch. Finally, you are not a hardgainer, you just don’t eat enough. You may not even be an ectomorph. Even if you are, you have not been training anywhere near long enough to be even close to your genetic limits for size and strength. If you spend the next year eating 3500+ cals a day, and lifting progressively heavier weights, and you don’t gain more then 10 lbs of muscle, then you can talk about being a hard gainer, but for now your a “Beginner”. You can worry about the other stuff once you are no longer a beginner.