Hey guys, just got back from the hospital.
I was out training events today, and suffered an injury to my right hand. My ring finger is broken, and I have eleven stitches in my middle finger. My hand got pinned between to atlas stones, a 240 on top, and a 205 on the bottom, hurt like a bitch. My hand is wrapped up for a month. I had planned on doing my first strongman contest on august first, which I obviously won’t be attending.
So my question is, anyone ever do anything similar? How did you work around it? I plan on front squatting twice a week and doing any lower body I can during that time. Events are obviously out of the question, as is most pressing and upper body work. Should I give the smith machine ( gasp) a try? I’d rather not completely neglect my upper body this month.
Thanks for the help guys
I have a friend who trains his ass off and gets great results even though he lost pretty much everything below his left elbow when he was a kid, you can train hard with a bad hand just train smarter.
Maybe Phil will stop by for this one. I remember he tore his biceps tendon and had to have it reattached, and he trained hard and heavy during his recovery. I don’t think he took much, if any, time off at all.