Winter Quarter Workout

Hey Everyone,

I am currently in college. The first quarter has finally passed and now I’m at home and just relaxing before I return in 3 weeks.

The first quarter I must say, was a huge wake up call and was much different than high school. The way I see it, college is really all about time management and study habits. All in all, if you can manage your time well, and keep up with all the information, you can do fairly well. Thats not to say I came to this epiphany the first quarter. It really blowed because I was unable to consistently work out and thus, make progress. In high school, my time schedule was rigid, and I was able to hit the gym 3 times a week. In college, my classes are spread out and change day to day. The gym is also a fairly far distance from the dorms.

Next quarter however, my schedule will allow me to make more time to go to the gym. That, and my determination to organize my time efficiently will allow me to hit the books and the gym hard.

Back in high school, I weighed 170 at 5’11. I was a fairly explosive and fast athlete. (Played football and baseball) Balancing homework, sports, and a social life, I really leaned towards full body programs and upper/lower splits, since they allowed me to hit my bodyparts frequently. Right now I am a mere 160 pounds. I think that I will be able to put back on my weight and then some because I now have access to an all you can eat buffet style cafeteria vs. home, where food wasn’t as abundant.

I used to be OBSESSED with learning about the Eastern Bloc training styles, the conjugated periodization, Block periodization, concurrent periodization and etc. Right now though I am just looking for a solid progam to help me grease the grove, get back to my earlier levels of strength and size, and from there, progress.

For goals, I am aiming for an equal gain of size and strength.

Any program recommendations would be greatly appreciated. I was thinking of something from CW, CT, or the original 5x5. Right now though, I am just exploring my options, as I still have 3 weeks before any real training will begin. For now I am just pushing an SUV every other day for overall strength development.

Thanks Again & Merry Christmas


Bill Starr 5x5. Eat a lot. Most efficient way for intermediate guy to lift.
