Hi. I am currently a college student at the University of Miami. I’m looking for tips on how to construct a program that will increase my lean mass, and improve overall body composition and strength. While I’m in an “off season” from training since i just got settled down here in college. If I could somehow manage to fit in some GPP, so my physical preparedness doesn’t go straight to hell that would be nice too. I’m posting this here because im a combat athlete, but I’m interested in adding some bodybuilding aspects - hopes I posted this in the right place.
Background on me -
I’m 18 years old and come from a heavy martial arts background. I’ve competed in wrestling, boxing, kickboxing and karate. I’m about 6’ 190 pounds between 8-12% body fat not really sure (Visible abs, but not shredded). I’m coming off of a pretty bad back injury - sport related - stemming from a slight lordotic curve, and un-even hips (left hip forward) caused by weak hamstrings and tight hip flexors.
(I’m basically self diagnosed from days on the internet spent researching - the doctors, PT’s and alt. medicine people i went to told me i had “normal muscular/skeletal pain associated with high levels of activity” here take some ibuprofen and sit on heating pad - bunch of quacks)
I’ve since straightned myself out - literally with my own PT program I’ve developed. Unfortunately as a result most of my focus lately has been PT related and I’ve almost forgotten how to train. Im ready to start again but im kind of lost. I have a few lagging body parts, mainly triceps, hamstrings, but my back could probably be a little thicker too.
Any advice you guys could give me would be awesome, anything from training regimes you think would work well, tips - anything. Thanks.