Will Bolton DL 1000


Bolton hits 800 for 8 reps! Wow. Sounds like he has a pretty good shot at 1000lb DL.



Haha that was gonna be my reply when I saw the title of this thread. I’ve absolutely no doubt he’ll do it. Especially if he puts in token squats and benches. Not that it’s Bolton’s style to do it. I reckon an overall win and 1000lb pull is on the cards come November.

800 for 8 reps! That is f-ing diesel!

I saw the thread title and thought “Who the hell is Will Bolton?”

Thats some beastly reps right there.

Best reply in that thread, “I cant even leg press that.”

The Icelandic kid pulls much more than he does. If anyone hits 1000 it will be him.

I would love to see it happen. However, I struggle with 800x8= 1000.

That is giving him @ 30#'s per rep which is pretty generous.

I would be much more coonfident with a 950 2X, or even a 900 3X.

[quote]Julius_Caesar wrote:
The Icelandic kid pulls much more than he does. If anyone hits 1000 it will be him.[/quote]

Actually, Benedikt Magnusson (the Icelandic Kid) and Bolton pull about the same amount. Magnusson set the record at 970, then Bolton retook it with 971. It’s a good race going between the 2 to see who will pull 1000 first, because all signs point to both of them doing it eventually.

But percentagewise it works out. It would be an all out effort to do 8 reps with 80% of your maximum.

Have you ever tried to forecast a max lift on a set or 8 reps?

If so, how did it pan out? My experience has been, not too well.

[quote]saavedra wrote:
But percentagewise it works out. It would be an all out effort to do 8 reps with 80% of your maximum.[/quote]

Deadlifting maxes and number of reps have little to do with one another. While this is not true for beginner lifters, once you get to an elite level it matters less and less. Nevertheless, I’m sure it will be done by Bolton. Not that I don’t think Benedict could do it too, just think that Bolton will snag it first. I wish them both luck!!!

It will be quite the feat and I share your sentiment.

I just hope they get good video…heh.

[quote]dead_lifter5000 wrote:
Deadlifting maxes and number of reps have little to do with one another. While this is not true for beginner lifters, once you get to an elite level it matters less and less. Nevertheless, I’m sure it will be done by Bolton. Not that I don’t think Benedict could do it too, just think that Bolton will snag it first. I wish them both luck!!! [/quote]

[quote]SprinterOne wrote:
Julius_Caesar wrote:
The Icelandic kid pulls much more than he does. If anyone hits 1000 it will be him.

Actually, Benedikt Magnusson (the Icelandic Kid) and Bolton pull about the same amount. Magnusson set the record at 970, then Bolton retook it with 971. It’s a good race going between the 2 to see who will pull 1000 first, because all signs point to both of them doing it eventually.[/quote]

Really? I didn’t know that Bolton has the record, I will have to do a search for that. Anyway… Benedikt is a lot younger than Bolton isn’t he? What kind of gear did Bolton wear when he did it?

Bolton did his 971 without token lift. the young guy did tokens. He’s a great fellow though. He spent soem time with my son at the Arnold and took a nice picture with him.

One or both will do it soon.

Bolton pulled 971 at this year’s Arnold. It’s the current record and he was wearing a METAL pro-deadlifter. This was after 6 lifts with max weights…Fucking amazing.

Bene held the former record of 970 wearing an Inzer MaxDL. Bene also only DL’s in a meet. That means doesn’t have to spend any energy on 3 squats and 3 benches. Not even token lifts.

I don’t care who pulls it first, I will be much more impressed with Bolton’s full meet 1000lb DL.

[quote]flabtoslab wrote:
Bolton pulled 971 at this year’s Arnold. It’s the current record and he was wearing a METAL pro-deadlifter. This was after 6 lifts with max weights…Fucking amazing.

Bene held the former record of 970 wearing an Inzer MaxDL. Bene also only DL’s in a meet. That means doesn’t have to spend any energy on 3 squats and 3 benches. Not even token lifts.

I don’t care who pulls it first, I will be much more impressed with Bolton’s full meet 1000lb DL.


Yes but this Benedikt kid id young…
If his body can hold up, think of what he might be able to do.

What do you think they are getting out of the metal deadlifting suit anyway?

How old is this “kid” ?

I think Magnusson first pulled 900lbs early last year at age 21. No doubt he will eventually surpass Bolton, but at the moment Bolton is probably king.

My metal deadlifter is great. I get a great pop and hip support. Never had a problem before this past weekend when I tried to pull 675. The suit kept throwing me forward and I was getting caught up on my knees.
Nevertheless, a great suit!!!

[quote]BoxBabaX wrote:
How old is this “kid” ? [/quote]

22 or 23 I believe

[quote]dead_lifter5000 wrote:
BoxBabaX wrote:
How old is this “kid” ?

22 or 23 I believe[/quote]

wow… im speechless.