[quote]Raging_Teddy wrote:
I’ve pulled 560 single ply.
I placed 4th at 2013 USAPL College Nationals with a 622 squat, 475 bench, and 560 deadlift in the 205 weight class. I wouldn’t say I’m advanced, but I’m certainly not a beginner.[/quote]
Are you the writer? Sorry, but when I saw your vids i saw a 330 bench, 385x5 squat, and no real pulls. in my gym we’ve got at least 10 guys capable of the same numbers and it’s a commercial one.
Once again, def not trying to be insulting… and I’d agree, not a beginner.
Honestly tho… making definitive statements is going to get you in trouble. I can appreciate that you don’t really care, cause I did the same thing when i was younger and really regretted it… I wish I could go back and take a LOT of things back.
I can only say that tho because I did it… and if i didn’t, I’d probably be a wuss and not even typing this.
I’m going to give one more piece of unsolicated advice - Learn the anatomy of the deadlift, have someone who’s gone to school for that sort of stuff explain to you what muscles are firing and what’s happening.
YOu know how Louie would always say how his dead lift wouldn’t go up by doing heavy rack pulls? Don’t you think that’s kind of weird? All that posterior chain strength going up and the deadlift itself doesn’t go up?
Louie rarely trained his quads, watch a deadlift start, the legs are EXTENDING to start the lift… that’s quads. as the bar passes the knee that’s when you use your hamstrings, glutes and low back to extend the hip for a lockout.
There’s a lot of misinformation out there and you can’t trust anyone… especially me… Maybe I’m totally retarded, you don’t know… be critical of what you read man.
Personally, all I had to do to find out if your article was right or not was ask my gf who’s getting her PHD in Human kinetics and has been the best lifter at Nationals.
If you’re going to make such bold statements I think it will come across better with a bit of anatomy in there as opposed to playing your only card of being a physicist?
Other than that, I enjoyed your blog post, i’m happy I read it, I sincerely hope that my comments will be helpful and have not come across as trying to put you down.