sumo deadlifts

im starting a new strength phase tommorow. instead of deadlifts, i have sumo style deadlifts in my workout. i am going to be figuring out poundage today, and i was wondering with sumo’s, can you lift more or less than with regular deads? (i have never done these before and i have no clue what weight to start out at.) thx

When I first began performing sumo deadlifts, I lifted about the same as my regular deadlift (245lbs), but as I got comfortable with the form, I can definitely lift more. I think that is the primary focus of sumo deadlifts: to enable you to lift more weight - while also moving more of the stress to the hips and glutes. I do really, really dig this exercise, though.

yeah i have heard that these are killer on the hamstrings, and with regular deads i was arching my back to much and tweaking my lower back. (deads are my main lift on hamstring day.) patricia…245!!! damn impressive. nothing but respect for that. you and KO ever come to colorado, or me to p-town, i’d be honored to lift with you.

lifting style is very personal. it really depends on your body (length of arms, legs, torso)and your weaknesses/strengths. i was much stronger deadlifting conventional because i had a very strng back. but my progress stalled. I switched to sumo for a change. i was lifting about 50 lbs less. but, after working on my weaknesses, i think i can lift more sumo than conventional. give both a try and see.

world records are held using for both methods. but i think most huge deadlifts that i’ve seen are conventional.

You can definitely lift more with the sumo style, simply because there is less distance for the bar to travel. JC if you ever come here, or us there we will definitely have to hook up.