So I’ve started trying to take ZMA, and have run into some problems with it. Basically, I can’t get a decent sleep while taking it. First, some backround. I’m 22, 5’11, 190lbs. I work nightshift as a Correctional Officer, so during my work week I sleep during the day, and during my weekends I sleep at night. Without taking ZMA, on my work days I can maybe sleep 6 straight hours. I feel tired as hell when I wake up, but can’t go back to sleep. During my weekends, I can sleep straight through about 9 hours, and I generally feel fine for the rest of the day.
When I take ZMA though, during my work days, I probably wake up once every 2 1/2 hours, and end up getting about 6 hours total still, but I keep having to fall back asleep. During the weekends, I probably get maybe 7 hours total sleep when I take ZMA, and again, I wake up repeatedly throughout the night.
It’d be fine if I felt just as rested despite waking up so much, but I don’t. I’m taking the Biotest ZMA, tried taking the standard 3 pills on an empty stomach, tried 2 pills, tried taking them with food. All gives me pretty much the same effect. Should I just give up on it? I remember a couple years ago I tried using the GNC brand, and had pretty much the same effect.
I actually just started taking ZMA as well. Although it doesn’t put me to sleep right away (which is my main problem), I do generally feel more rested right after waking up. The first couple days on it was pretty hard. Etc. Waking in the between sleeps. But it’s starting to get better.
the same happens to me, hard time falling asleep, then waking up through out the night and feeling like crap in the morning. I just stopped it. I’d rather get a solid nights sleep than keep on taking trying to get the benefits. I guess for some of us it just dont work.
When I first started taking ZMA, I would be waking up every 1 or two hours, had horrible dreams, but could get back to sleep pretty much ok. Just very broken sleep.
I persisted, coz I’m a stubborn arse, and these symptoms disappeared after 2 weeks or so.
Sleep like a baby now, and alot of my dreams are of the “good” kind :-p
I can’t sleep without at least 3mg of melatonin. I just got some ZMA in today and I look forward to capping my night off with a little ZMA with a Melatonin chaser. I remember in the past when taking ZMA and not having any problems with it. Just some really vivid dreams and restful sleep.
I’ve been having difficulty lately. My 3 tabs of Melatonin doesn’t knock me out anymore, and my sleep isn’t through the night.
Can ZMA be taken some other time throughout the day/evening? Shame I may lose the benefits of it through my sleep but I may not have the option as I try to find out what’s happening…
I’m going to practice reading before bed starting tonight and into next week before changing my ZMA intake 45-60 minutes before sleeping first. See what happens.
Took ZMA about an 1 1/2 before sleep and read in that duration. Popped Melatonin prior to sleep and slept straight through without a hitch. The best sleep I’ve had this week.
Very vivd dreams of a girl I have a crush on at my club…time to ask her out in the real world lol.