Anyone else actually have trouble sleeping because of ZMA. It’s not that it prevents me from falling asleep. Its that when I take it I wake up after about 4 or 5 hours and then wake up many times after that throughout the night. Are the only reasons to take it at night because it is suposed to help you sleep and because you have an empty stomach? Or is there another advantage? I am thinking of taking it first thing in the morning as I don’t usually eat for about an hour. Just curious if anyone else has noticed this issue etc. Thanks. I’m feeling pretty lousy after a week of this.
I’ve never heard of this, personally it helps me sleep deeper and longer, although its sometimes a struggle to get up, I also get mental dreams. What else has changed in your pre-bed routine?
when taking my last bout of Z-12 it wouldn’t be unusual for me too wake up 3 hours take a leak then go back too sleep for a solid 5-6 hours…check the amount of water drinking before you go to bed
[quote]jtg987 wrote:
when taking my last bout of Z-12 it wouldn’t be unusual for me too wake up 3 hours take a leak then go back too sleep for a solid 5-6 hours…check the amount of water drinking before you go to bed[/quote]
I have this happen too…I think reuptake inhibators in general have a diruetic effect on ones system. I have taken some SRI’s in the past with the same problem.
I dream too vividly on ZMA, and slip from being ‘asleep’ to suddenly being awake far too easily. Definitely doesn’t help me sleep…
Hmmm, interesting topic.
I have, and continue to, experience problems sleeping when taking ZMA before bed. I wake up after 3-4 hours and have to take a whiz almost every night (even after limiting my liquid intake after 6:00 pm). I was unsure if it was related to ZMA or caused by some other factor (i.e. stress, diet, whatever?).
I have read some people separate their zinc and magnesium supplementation and take them at different times earlier in the day. I think I may try this approach to see if it helps.
[quote]DJS wrote:
Anyone else actually have trouble sleeping because of ZMA. It’s not that it prevents me from falling asleep. Its that when I take it I wake up after about 4 or 5 hours and then wake up many times after that throughout the night. Are the only reasons to take it at night because it is suposed to help you sleep and because you have an empty stomach? Or is there another advantage? I am thinking of taking it first thing in the morning as I don’t usually eat for about an hour. Just curious if anyone else has noticed this issue etc. Thanks. I’m feeling pretty lousy after a week of this. [/quote]
Had the same problem. I started poppin a ZMA tab at breakfast, one at lunch, one at dinner. That problem went away.
I think high doses of any B vitamin, especially B-6, can trigger alertness in anyone sensitive to it. Thats probably why you have been waking up
Just take it in the day, not worth such a disruption
basically an slight overdose, your zinc levels are elevated due to the time you have been on the zma, lower the dose this will stop.
taking it earlier/spreading it out in the day will help maintain your zinc levels but it will not result in any sleep benefit as the relaxing quality of the magnesium is most effective when drowsy and the testosterone maintaining qualities of the zinc will have passed due to urinating the zinc out thoroughout the day.
i often build up a tolerance is start with the full dose and have to reduce it 1/2 or even 1/3 of the dose a week or 2 into the bottle. try to reduce the dose and see what happens.
- my saying overdose is complete BS ingnore it.
[quote]antman wrote:
basically an slight overdose, your zinc levels are elevated due to the time you have been on the zma, lower the dose this will stop.
taking it earlier/spreading it out in the day will help maintain your zinc levels but it will not result in any sleep benefit as the relaxing quality of the magnesium is most effective when drowsy and the testosterone maintaining qualities of the zinc will have passed due to urinating the zinc out thoroughout the day.
i often build up a tolerance is start with the full dose and have to reduce it 1/2 or even 1/3 of the dose a week or 2 into the bottle. try to reduce the dose and see what happens. [/quote]
This is not true. A sign you’re getting too much zinc is loose stool or stomach ache. I really doubt any of these guys are getting too much.
i doubt you’re getting too much zinc too.
i have the same problem with sleep when taking ZMA pre bed time.
easy solution, take your ZMA first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.
wow this brings back some memories.
This happened to me when I started taking it. I figured it speeded up your sleep cycle so your 5 hours feels like 8 hours and your body is ready to go. I used to get the dreams too. Been taking everyday for a while now and I stopped waking up and the dreams stopped too.
[quote]ksommer wrote:
antman wrote:
basically an slight overdose, your zinc levels are elevated due to the time you have been on the zma, lower the dose this will stop.
taking it earlier/spreading it out in the day will help maintain your zinc levels but it will not result in any sleep benefit as the relaxing quality of the magnesium is most effective when drowsy and the testosterone maintaining qualities of the zinc will have passed due to urinating the zinc out thoroughout the day.
i often build up a tolerance is start with the full dose and have to reduce it 1/2 or even 1/3 of the dose a week or 2 into the bottle. try to reduce the dose and see what happens.
This is not true. A sign you’re getting too much zinc is loose stool or stomach ache. I really doubt any of these guys are getting too much.[/quote]
yep your right sorry for that, it was misleading, it was late and my brain wasnt in gear.
its NOT an overdose, i meant that too much in one go can cause it i know this from personal experience. I apologise for that stupid post!
I have trouble with the dreams. When I take it start having really fucked up ones; the last one of was of me getting raped by a he-she. It was not a happy place.
Similar experience, as well. With exception about 5-6 hours into my sleep I have to wake up and piss. I also get the crazy dreams and while it feels like the sleep is good, it’s almost like coming out of a coma when trying to get up in the morning.
[quote]jtg987 wrote:
when taking my last bout of Z-12 it wouldn’t be unusual for me too wake up 3 hours take a leak then go back too sleep for a solid 5-6 hours…check the amount of water drinking before you go to bed[/quote]
it’s not as simple as drinking water intake, i can chug a liter of water within a half hour of going to bed and end up sleeping 7 hours straight before taking my first wake-up leak, or sometimes i can drink just a cup of water within 2 hours of sleep and end up waking 3 times to piss
it also has to do with the water content in your last meal, which for me is within 2-3 hours of going to sleep and always has lots of veggies
Thanks for everyone’s input!!!