ZMA and Melatonin?

Has anyone taken both ZMA and melatonin together? I have trouble sleeping so I take melatonin every night but I’m worried I’d be extremely groggy in the morning if I stacked it with ZMA.

Anyone have experience with using both of these supplements at the same time? I’ll probably see how I sleep with just ZMA but I’d still be interested in hearing about other people’s experiences

I did and it’s not different in the morning than melatonin alone.

Try kava-kava instead of melatonin. It’s almost as good and it elevates the mood slightly.

By the way, figure out why you’re not sleeping well. It’s a sign something else is wrong, be that too much stress or something else. Pills can only help you so much - in fact, it’s not recommended to rely every night on pills to go to sleep.

I have done this and I have experienced no problems with it. I would not recommend taking them at the same time, tho. I always take my ZMA before bed, then if I can’t sleep later on I’ll get up and take the melatonin. Use the melatonin sparingly or you might develop a tolerance and get no effect from it.

I have taken melatonin, ZMA, and GABA together, best night’s sleep ever!!! I typically get only a few hours sleep a night, but after taking that combo I feel like I got 8+ hours sleep, and I don’t wake up feeling groggy.

I took ZMA for the first time last night (on an empty stomach) and it didn’t make me drowsy at all. After lying in bed for an hour I finally got up and popped a melatonin. That put me down in about 20-30 minutes.

The wierd thing about melatonin is that I feel like I’m developing a reverse tolerance to it. I used to take it and not feel tired for at least an hour but now I’ll barely be able to keep my eyes open after 20 minutes or so.

As far as why I have trouble sleeping, yes a lot of it is stress related (I’ve always got things running through my head at night) but it’s also due to the fact that I’ve had a screwed up circadian rhythm for years now. I’m hoping that with my improved sleep schedule I’ll eventually be able to sleep without the melatonin.

In the mean time, I’m going to keep taking ZMA every night and taking the melatonin as needed

Thanks for the responses guys

I may be wrong, but I don’t think the ZMA is supposed to make you tired, it should just give you a better night’s sleep. The melatonin, should have you dosing off in about 20-30 minutes, especially if you turn off the lights. As I understand it, the body reduces the amount melatonin produced when it is exposed to light. So taking the melatonin then turning down the lights will jumpstart the body into a positive sleep state.

Been taking both about a week now. So far so good! I take the ZMA an hour before bed and the melatonin 20 min before. No more tossing and turning.