Both programs work, there is no best program. Try both to find out which works best for your unique body.
The programs in Power to the People are geared toward strength while the Delorme Inspired Hypertrophy Cycle is meant to be used to increase hypertrophy (just like the name implies).
Get your diet in order before you start ether program.
It’s true the PTP routine is for strength w/out wt gain but the Bear program adds volume to pack on size. Both will work if you have your diet in line, like it was said above. Both will make you very sore also. The nice thaing about both is the simplicity, just lift and eat. Then eat some more.
Delorme came up with 3 sets of 10 reps as the set/rep range that is good for hypertrophy after working with soldiers, right?
Or am I thinking of a different Delorme?
Thanks everybody. I’m going to go with the Delorme first. I think the way it cycles heavy, light, medium is better than the Bear where you go full-bore three days a week.
Yes, he did come up with that. The routine here though is alittle different, heavy wt and more volume. It also has the heavy light medium principle mixed in.
The bear routione really isnt all oout 3x a week. You r abiltiy to complete reps with good form will act as the governer on the volume. There is no way you will be able to match the volume of Monaday on Weds. I think the Delorme is a better choice though, I’m one for more rigid guidelines tham going by feel or form.