Training ala Bear

I’m currently beginning a PTP style workout for approximately 4-6 weeks. After that I plan on training ala Pavel’s Bear Style. I’m considering an Ian King type split such as the following:

Workout #1 - Bench Press/Bent Rows/Tricep Ext.

Bench Press and Bent Rows Bear Style, and Tricep Ext - 3 x 6-8

Workout #2 - Deadlifts

Workout #3 - Shoulder Press/Pullups/Barbell Curls

Workout #4 - Squats

What do you guys think. Any advice would be appreciated

The only way to know for sure is to try it. I think there’s too many exercises on workout 1 FOR ME, it might work ok for you though. Nobody can know you better than you know yourself. If you’re tired or sore too often maybe drop some exercises or add one more on maybe squat/deadlift day if you think you can handle it. I say it’s really important to know what your own body can handle instead of leaving it to someone else.

I’ve had great success using the Bear program. But success only came when I cut back on the number of days I worked out to 2x per week, and cut out all movements to just Deadlifts and Pavel’s side press. You honestly don’t need all the isolation exercises on the Bear! Your goal is to put on mass - work the Deadlift and press HARD get out of the gym and eat plenty of protein, get plenty of sleep and you’ll grow!