15 years old been training since 14 only been taking it serious last few months I have only followed one program to date johnnie candito 6 week program good program these are my current numbers
341 deadlift
295 squat
205 bench press
180 strict military press
190 log press
200 farmers walk
This lifts are the ones that I love to train I was thinking of doing Texas method with log press farmers walk as accessorys and some extra workload on military press as that is my favourite movement what program should I do 5x5 strong lifts Texas method of any others which u recommend thank u
Also I would like to do a strongman comp in the next 8 montha if that has anything to do with it
If your goal is to compete in strongman, I would train like a strongman. I don’t really know of any successful strongman competitors that are using stronglifts or the texas method. You could consider Chase Karnes’ 5/3/1 for strongman or Josh Thigpen’s Cube Method for Strongman, or if you go to the startingstrongman website, you can get a free 12 week program.
[quote]HitEmUp wrote:
There ok no where what I’ve seen others at my age do on YouTube [/quote]
Do you want to become a strongman a few years down the road or do you plan to compete in eight months? If your answer is the latter, you’ll need to get stronger AND practice.
The lastest I would like to compete is before I am 17 so in August 2017 however if I’m strong enough I would like to compete before I turn 16 August 2016
Been busting my ass trying to find a program but couldn’t find one looked at the cube method I do not like the deload every 4th week and generally do not like the program as a whole I was thinking of just going with this simple approach as u said do not use Texas method
Me myself personally find this so complicated I just want a damn easy program to get strong and simple not over complicate things is there any program out there like that and I know I just keep repeating g my self
this is a long term game
it really is not that complicated
read t3hpwnisher training log
find his blog read it
it will help you alot
some people will make it seem complicated
lift,eat ,sleep simple
My long term goal is to become a pro strongman compete at nationals and make it worlds strongest man so what I’ve gathered these years now I have to create a base for me to bulid on for the years to come
I have decided to do johnnie candito 6 week program for another cycle I have swapped the last pressing day for an events day and swapped bench press as the main pressing movemnt to strict OHP I have now 12-13 to hit my goals so I can afford to run 2 cycles also I have till August to compete
[quote]HitEmUp wrote:
My long term goal is to become a pro strongman compete at nationals and make it worlds strongest man so what I’ve gathered these years now I have to create a base for me to bulid on for the years to come [/quote]
For your situational awareness, nationals is an amateur contest, so if you become a pro-strongman you’ll actually not be able to compete there. You may want to restructure your goals to be
Compete at nationals
Become a pro-strongman
Make it to WSM
Another viable avenue would be to win the Arnold amateur, which gives you an invite to compete in the pro the next year, which would also give you an opportunity to compete at WSM. Getting to WSM is political in many cases, and though some people qualify by winning their country’s strongest man contest, many others are simply invited, so it’s somewhat tricky.
I can’t recommend strongly enough following the advice of people like Alpha, Th3Pwnisher or strongmanvinny who have done, or are doing what you want to achieve. You can find logs for all of them on this site.
Impressive strength levels for your age, if you can keep up this pace, I predict great things for you.
[quote]HitEmUp wrote:
My long term goal is to become a pro strongman compete at nationals and make it worlds strongest man so what I’ve gathered these years now I have to create a base for me to bulid on for the years to come [/quote]
This “base” that you are referring to is MUSCLE. Forget all the articles you’ve read so far and think about this logically.
[quote]HitEmUp wrote:
My long term goal is to become a pro strongman compete at nationals and make it worlds strongest man so what I’ve gathered these years now I have to create a base for me to bulid on for the years to come [/quote]
This “base” that you are referring to is MUSCLE. Forget all the articles you’ve read so far and think about this logically.[/quote]
Can I ask a question that I didn’t see brought up in any of the four “how should I train” threads you started in the last three days (even the one where Jim Wendler replied to you twice)?
What’s your current height, weight, and general fat level (percentage doesn’t matter. “kinda fat, pudgy, lean with defined abs”, etc.)?
Also, for my own curiosity, how many push-ups and pull-ups can you do?
[quote]HitEmUp wrote:
Me myself personally find this so complicated I just want a damn easy program to get strong and simple not over complicate things is there any program out there like that[/quote]
Most programs are simple and effective. You’re the one who’s overcomplicating things. Your best bet is to pick a time-tested, well-designed program and follow it to the letter, as-is. Not doing “modified Texas Method” or “Modified 5/3/1” or “This program with X, Y, and Z swapped out to be more strongman-specific.”
5’7 around 200 lbs I look like a guy who eats a hell a lot slight belly big shoulders decent traps I could do about 25-30 push ups in one go and about 5 pull ups I know not a lot but I weigh 200+ and am 15
And plus u asking how many pull ups and push ups to see if I am fat slop who can’t even do 1 push up or pull sorry my friend if u feel threatened by me I’m just a young kid trying to gain some knowledge I am very impatient if u can tell