[quote]dankid wrote:
TYPE2B wrote:
I can see the flaws in your program. Please don’t mind if I tell you how ridiculous those ideas are.
Im not really sure what you are talking about here, because what I was planning on doing was pretty similar to what you suggested.
- As for the top of the pullup. Whether you agree that weak points need to be trained or not, i need to do something different than I have been doing. The fact of the matter is that I DO need to increase the TUT at the top. The way ive been doing it has been going to a copmlete hang, and then pulling up as far as possible and then back down to a complete hang. There are really only three options.
1- The top portion isn’t the priority in a pullup, so dont worry about going all the way up, just train heavy and focus on the lower and mid ROM’s
2- The top portion is more important and thus i should focus more on stength at the top at the expense of strength at the bottom. This would mean that on any set when I cant get my chin above the bar, i terminate the set. (My lats would never be challenged using this method; at least not until I got stronger at the top portion)
3- Strength in the top and bottom are important, and thus both should be trained. I can use seperate methods to emphasize one or the other.
I think all could work, but am leaning toward 3. I am a non-athlete just doing these for size, and strength so it does make sense to sometimes use more weight than I can ge full ROM on. But it also makes sense to strengthen the top portion, because it is a weak link, and will lead to some size in my arms and upper back.
I also see your point about increasing strength not through TUT but through avoiding fatigue while creating tension. I agree with that for low rep strength but not for higher rep strength or endurance. If im doing a set of BW pullups, and fail at 15 because I cant get chin above the bar, while I can still do another 5-10 pullups almost all the way up, this is likely do to strength AND lactic acid buildup. So I not only need to work on strength at the top, but endurance as well.
Probably what i’ll do is start with some weighted isometrics at the top. Not sure exactly what type of protocol but probably 5-10 heavy isometrics lasting about 3-6 seconds. I’ll increase the weight when until I cant hold for at least 3 seconds or so. After this, i’ll something like 5x3 or 3x5 on heavy pullups and try for full ROM, but accept that I may not make it to the top. (This is how i’ll train strength)
Then when I come around to training endurance, i’ll do my normal repping workouts for pullups focusing on full ROM, but accept some loss toward the end. I’ll then end with Isometric holds for duration with just BW at the top.
Sounds over-complicated but really simple in my mind.
Thx again for all the help
Did I just hear you say “endurance”? That’s a forbidden word! Forget about endurance and just lift the fucking weights…
Wow, I just amaze myself. I am such a genius.
lol. Please forgive me for the arrogance.