as long as strength gains keep coming is it fine to keep packing on the weight? i’m hitting PR’s in pretty much every lift every week but i’m getting pretty heavy ( well chunky by my standards ) when should damage control be done? i really dont like being as soft as i am but i really enjoy seeing my lifts progress as fast as they are.
I think that, if you’re worried about getting “chunky”, then some cardio will help. I think the rule of thumb is about 30 - 45 mins of steady state cardio every day.
You need excess calories to put on muscle, burning them might help with fat control, but it will also hinder muscle gain. Ask yourself what you would want SEVERAL MONTHS from now: Do you want to have to start bulking again because you arent satisfied with your strength/muscle due to the implementing of “Damage control”, or would you like to begin cutting since you continued bulking from this day and have reached a point where you are satisfied with your muscle and strength.
i havent been to failure on many exercise since 2003 or 2004 (highschool)
front squat 205 5x5 decent work set
no flat bench
incline 255 x 3 on last set of a 5x5
military 205 x 5
havent done DL’s in a long time
seated cable pull 300x5
i dont typically use alot of the standard lifts to measure against.
[quote]enrac wrote:
I think that, if you’re worried about getting “chunky”, then some cardio will help. I think the rule of thumb is about 30 - 45 mins of steady state cardio every day.[/quote]
this cause me to commit suicide… lol… i’ve done hill sprints and saw good results from that and thats as much running as i’ll ever do now that i’m done with football
post some pics man, that’s a lot easier…on this website we don’t know what people mean by chunky, lean etc. easiest way to post pictures, put yourself out there and some guys can give you some advice…and is that all the exercises you do?
[quote]rasturai wrote:
post some pics man, that’s a lot easier…on this website we don’t know what people mean by chunky, lean etc. easiest way to post pictures, put yourself out there and some guys can give you some advice…and is that all the exercises you do?[/quote]
no definately not all the exercises i do but i figured those would give the best idea of strength… i’ll have to work up my pride and post my slothful body tonight, if i remember.
[quote]rasturai wrote:
post some pics man, that’s a lot easier…on this website we don’t know what people mean by chunky, lean etc. easiest way to post pictures, put yourself out there and some guys can give you some advice…and is that all the exercises you do?[/quote]
no definately not all the exercises i do but i figured those would give the best idea of strength… i’ll have to work up my pride and post my slothful body tonight, if i remember.[/quote]
If you truly feel that you have a “slothful body,” then I would clean up your diet and discontinue the bulk until you know longer feel that way. Your numbers aren’t bad, but could be higher, just being honest man. Then again you may be seeing yourself as worse than you are so put pictures up for critique.
[quote]Rainclouds wrote:
But imo you should cut for the first time when your squat gets over 500.
Is that what YOU did?[/quote]
I was gonna say, stop messing with my mind rainclouds!
I’m always in a “Cut now fatty”, “Bulk up you weak piece of shit!” mental state, second one usually wins, but I have a coherent opinion on this one:
People are different, throwing out arbitary numbers is useless advice, yeah you might look decent when your squat gets over 500, on the other hand you might be a fat mess. Sometimes damage control is necassery to continue progress.
If this was in the powerlifting forum though I’d say your post is ok to follow.
[quote]Rainclouds wrote:
But imo you should cut for the first time when your squat gets over 500.
Is that what YOU did?[/quote]
… Yeah …[/quote]
I remain skeptical of the 20 y.o. without pics/stats.[/quote]
Agreed. Its also a damn random number. Besides, what one squats is not always directly correlated to one’s size.[/quote]
I guess it is a random number but how many skinny bastards do you know that sqaut 500
[quote]Rainclouds wrote:
But imo you should cut for the first time when your squat gets over 500.
Is that what YOU did?[/quote]
… Yeah …[/quote]
I remain skeptical of the 20 y.o. without pics/stats.[/quote]
Agreed. Its also a damn random number. Besides, what one squats is not always directly correlated to one’s size.[/quote]
I’m at a 500 raw squat right now and I have no intentions of ‘cutting’ soon. I could probably stand to drop a good 20 or so, but I’m chasing a couple lift/size goals at least until the end of the year. I’ll admit that I’ve dropped some calories the past couple months, some by design and some out of my control, but it has shiznit to do with ‘a 500 squat’.
I’d like to see the pics and lifts of the 20 year old giving such sage advice. I’d be happy to eat crow.