When I grow up, I want to be an Alicorn

I am very much in this mental state. I was thinking just cut until I am happy with how I look, but that is such a vague, moving target.

That would be a cool cherry on top!

I need to get a plan together for this. The short answer is yes. It’s a fine balance with life here, it’s easy to add morning workouts, but I don’t have time to drive to the gym before work. (Hubby and I commute and lift together, so I can’t change much without cutting into family time)
I might just pick up some dumbbells, a Dan John book, use my KB and make due with that and running on top of two days a week lifting. Do you think that would be enough?

For the gaining phase or the leaning out phase?

I was thinking just cut until I am happy with how I look

No one EVER catches that dragon. This can become a dangerous game for sure. We can always get a LITTLE leaner, and soon enough we’re playing stupid games and measuring our toothpaste on the foodscale to shave off 1/3 of a calorie, meanwhile we can’t sleep longer than 20 minutes at a time and our hair is falling out. It’s why bodybuilders have shows: there is an “end” to the diet. We look how we look on show day.

This is going to be a great way forward.

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For gaining, add conditioning and home lifting, on top of two days in the gym heavy lifting. Increase volume outside of the gym is the thought.
For leaning, stick to two days a week lifting and sprinting/running 2-3 days a week.

If you’re a fan of Dan John and 2 day a week lifting and looking to gain, you may dig “Mass Made Simple”. I remember you were dealing with back issues before: are you able to perform any manner of squat? Back squat, front squat, goblet, double kettlebell front squat?

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Definitely has some amazing stuff. Love the conditioning and I had “fun” with the 10,000 KBS challenge. Plus, he lives in my area, must rep a fellow Utahn.

This is this only one I can do without pain. I’m still limited, basically nothing with a bar. I can do leg press and other machine based squats as well.

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Oh man, that’s crazy to have him in your area. I wonder if you could actually consult him for coaching. I’d totally fanboy out, haha.

I’ve heard of folks trying MMS with a goblet squat. It would definitely test you with holding the brace of the bell for so long. Otherwise, the Armor Building Formula can be run with a single kettlebell, but would still require a single kettlebell front squat vs a goblet squat. But, in general, people have certainly gotten jacked with just 2 days of lifting a week. Being able to augment as needed will only continue to help.

I keep hoping I will randomly meet him one day, but I’d probably have to go more places than work and home for that!

That would be pretty cool… I wonder if he still does one on one coaching.

This book does intrigue me would be nice to add to the tool belt.

Concur. I have made crazy progress with two days, with so much recovery I can go really hard on lifting days.
I do still think another lifting day would be good on a gain phase though. I’ll keep working on that and/or some home implementation.

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I really love Jamie Lewis’ “Dealer’s Choice” idea in his programs. You have your set program, full of all the “thou shalts”, and then you have one day where you just do whatever it is you want and get it out of your system. Good chance to play if we want to play, or do those things we KNOW work for us that just aren’t in the program.

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You are always full of great suggestions! I like that idea a lot, chaos is the plan, right?
Thank you for stopping by and helping me work through my thought jumble.

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Absolutely! Believe me, the pleasure is all mine. I’m a big fan of yours.

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That is unbelievable praise from you, you made my day!

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Thursday 8/8
Sprints + Run

10 minute walk/jog warm up
6 x 60yd sprints
2 mile run with speed drills

Another fun morning sprinting around the park. I don’t know if I like hills or grass more, I guess I’ll have to keep doing both. I got to pet a cute dog too, he was out taking his hooman for an early walk.

Headed south today on a flight with a student. In the morning, it’s the flight test to see if they get their license. I am probably as nervous as they are. First student I have signed off for the test.


Monday 8/12

144.8, -0.8Lbs

Not bad considering how many calories I was eating last week. I could have finished my cut stronger, but I frankly didn’t care.

Emotionally draining weekend. Thunderstorms blocked me and my student from flying Thursday night. So we had to wake up at 2am, fly down to the test location in the dark. Land, get setup and relaxed for a few minutes before the examiner arrived.
Ultimately, the test ended in a failure. There were many things that were missed showed my student was tired and flustered. Topics we had gone over and he had given me the right answers many times. However, the examiner’s bedside manner was lacking, one of the rudest examiners I have met. Really doesn’t help a first time test taker with an already stressful test.
Anyway, had a fun flight. We will re-train and try again. Such is Aviation.

No lifting this week, it’s going to be quiet in here. Still feeling exhausted from this weekend and it’s the planned maintenance week. Good timing. Going to be getting my steps in and that’s it.


Sunday 8/18
JN Essentials, W1D1

Machine Press
7, 6 x 115, 8 x 105

Hip Press
10 x 360, 8, 9 x 385

2-Grip Lat Pulldown
12, 12 x 110

DB Walking Lunge
2 x 10ea side x 40s

Machine OH tricrep ext
15, 14 x 30-10

Cable Abductors
2 x 15 x 30

DB Rear Delt Raise
3 x 12 x 20

15 minute walk

Felt just awesome. As it should after a week off. It was a nice break but I was definitely itching to get back to the gym. Always nice to have that mentality and energy.
Added reps and or weights to most things, I am hoping to really lean into overloading the next few weeks of gain. I’ll likely add conditioning as well, but I am going to stick with two days a week of lifting and see what I can get out of that.

Monday 8/19

145.8, +1.0lb

Up after a maintenance week, as expected. Actually, less than I thought I would balloon, happy with that.
I am slightly annoyed the app I am using says my maintenance calories are only 1650ish. Seems low, I was hungry all week. Maybe I did drag my metabolism down that much though, I did gain a pound.
Ideally this gain phase will bring that back up and I can cut at higher calories, but we shall see.

Edit: I forgot to add, I ordered 230lbs of meat from my butcher. All local, farm fresh. A mix of meat, mostly grass-fed beef, but grabbed some pork and chicken as well. It barely fit in my freezer top and small chest freezer. It was the most fun game of Janga I have played.


Amazing what a little deload and time to grow does for us. Quality

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Hell yeah! Now you have a game: the first piece to fall is what you eat that day!

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@simo74 It was pretty awesome, once I got it out of my head that I won’t lose progress in a week, I felt so ready to be there.

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That sounds like the easiest way to meal plan. Just watch the toes!

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Wednesday 8/21
JN Essentials, W1D2

Machine Squat (plate weight only)
90 x 6, 6, 6 - last set w/ 3 low partials ea rep
45 x 10 - last 5 w/ low partials

Incline DB Press
45 x 11, 7, 50x5

Hip Thrust
3 x 10 x 135

Seated Hamstring Curl
2 x 12 x 100-70 drop set (Sat upright)

Chest supported T-bar row
3 x 12, 10, 10+6 shrugs x 45

Cable Curls
2 x 15, 15, 15, 12 x 10-7 drop set

Cable Crunch
2 x 15 x 60-40 dropset

5 min jog, 10 minute walk

Back on my favorite machine Squat. It mimics a barbell more than any machine at my gym. But also gives me handles to take some pressure off my buggy disc, it’s great. The partials were from bottoming out the machine to parallel and back down. I haven’t been that close to vomiting during lifting in a long time. Those suck. I’ll be keeping them.
Hip thrust went well, kept things slow with a pause and squeeze at the top.
Those hamstring curls, I watched a Jeff Nippard video where he suggested sitting up as far as you can without back rounding on the seated curl. Oh boy is that an ego killer and cramp inducer. Had to reduce the weight, but the intensity was way up. Had to take a slight pause between reps for cramps.

Couple photo updates, left is from May 29, right is today. Marks the beginning of last cut vs. the beginning of this bulk.

Front isn’t showing improvement that I can see. Though it is shark week, so I am puffy, not the best timing for photos.
Back, looking a bit leaner?