How accurate is the accu-measure caliper, in general? does 17.5% look correct based on my photo?
[quote=“geologist, post:1, topic:213610”]
How accurate is the accu-measure caliper, in general?[/quote]
Depends largely on how experienced the person using them is. They sites can be poorly chosen, too much or too little pressure when squeezing, inconsistent sites when checking at a later date, etc.
How will your training, nutrition, or goal change if you’re “really” 15.25% or 19.75% or 17.5%? That’s a trick question. It won’t.
And that’s why, as I’ve written before, bodyfat percentages are like IQ. The only reason to get it tested is to go around telling people what your score is. There’s no other real world impact and it’s only good for bragging rights (or to depress yourself, depending on the result).
The open tap might just be water weight, but I’ll say 19.34%
“How will your training, nutrition, or goal change if you’re “really” 15.25% or 19.75% or 17.5%? That’s a trick question. It won’t.”
Probably not much. I spent most of 2015 cutting weight and at this point i’d rather focus on improving physical qualities (strength, endurance) while minimizing too much fat.
No shoe? (j/k for the older members!)