I was talking to some kid the other day…real skinny kid and i realized his dead lift max was quite close to mine. So I wonder is my dead lift proportionally weak compared to my other lifts?
Dead lift 405
Squat 350
Bench 310
hahaha yeah my bench is entirely too close to my squat.
Anybody got any stats or comments to compare?
Looks to me that you’re very chest (bench) dominant. I’m not the same build as you (I’m 6foot 220lb), I’m also probably older (35) so my numbers may not help.
I’m only putting up 300lb for bench but have a 360lb squat and 440lb dead. I’ve always done a fair bit of lower body work, way more than my other mates who lift, unsurprisingly they can generally bench well but their squats and deadlift suck.
More heavy doubles and triples for your squat and dead perhaps?
[quote]shizen wrote:
No one is perfectly proportional depending on your body type you will be better and worse at certain lifts. [/quote]
Correct. However looking at where you sit proportionally compared to the “average” proportions, not lift numbers but percentages of each lift in comparison can show you where you might be lacking or weak.
I remeber an article a while back that spoke of “relative” comparisons between an individuals lifts as a place to start dealing with imbalances.
Generally speaking a 300lb bencher should squat 400 and deadlift 500.
I’ll assume you spend a lot of time and effort on the bench vs the other two lifts.
I’ve personally never followed the above %'s either.
My best at 215lbs is 440 bench, 640 squat and 605 deadlift.
Yes, I hate deadlifts!
I entered my number up in a 1-RM calculator because I only did triples to test my maxes yet. I’m really new to strength training and I’ve only been training for 10 months now.
Deadlift 265
Squat 245
Bench 180
All done with correct form. I really love squatting, so it’s almost up to par with my deadlift. I think (and I feel) that I am really weak in that area… well, I’m pretty weak overall but I’m working on it!
5’9 167lbs
Last time I maxed before starting the NNM series: Squat: 297lbs with wraps, this clearly needs work Bench: 253lbs Deadlift: Couldnt lockout 418lbs.
I’d put my deadlift at 435. I actually missed a 240 lb squat over the weekend though! Crazy shit. I bench 225 but I can do a chin-up with an extra 80 @ 195 lbs. I must do exactly the opposite of what everyone else does.
I started focusing on strength back in October, having been out of the gym since May. Now I’m going to start training with some powerlifters, hopefully hit that 3/4/5 soon and figure out why my squat is seriously lagging.
squats - 125kg
bench - 125kg
deadlift with straps - 200kg
deadlift without straps - 140kg(did this last week, didnt want to push it as explained lower down)
my squat and bench started to sky rocket in feb but i had trouble not getting enough to eat with my digestive system and a few week ago i was diagnosed with crohn’s disease, so im getting back into it now, just working up from having a month off from the weights…in a week or 3 I may try another squat max session see how far i can go