How Am I Doing?

How am I doing and what should be brought up? Please be constructive

Sorry about the lack of a good tan. As for my stats, here are some of them.

Bench: 275
Squat 350
Deadlift 515

any other questions, let me know

I know someone is going to ask for some leg pics, so post them. I think you got a great build so far, your lean with muscle mass, and your back is looking good. Keep doing whatever it is that your doing (what are you doing? Diet and routine ect…) Lets see the wheels.


upper body is nice though dude, got the spartan abs goin, chest and tris needs a little work imo

dont ever apologize for not being tan…esp in march…

I’ll get the legs up either tonight or tomorrow when i stop by the gym. Thanks for the compliments so far, I really appreciate it.

What’s your height? Good physique and back looks great. Hard to tell what should be brought up without leg shots.

lol, alright alright, I’ll get the leg shots as soon as I get this physics problem done. I am 5’10".

The measurements for my calves are 15 standing(unflexed) and my legs are 24. Gimme approx 30-45 and I’ll get the pics up. Sorry about the delay.

Hm, 5’10 165?

You look really good for weighing that little at that height.

I think your in super shape.

I think you could bulk the shoulders a bit more… Do you do arnie press??

better than me lol

yea dude you look bigger than 165@5’10 …and for having lift numbers that high

Lookin good, just keep growing

[quote]BF Bullpup wrote:
What’s your height? Good physique and back looks great. Hard to tell what should be brought up without leg shots.[/quote]

ok, here is the leg shots. I’m sure I’ll get hammered after posting these. Sorry, I have the strength, just not the size i guess.

in very good shape. it’s obvious you’ve put some hard work into it. if you can thicken up some you’d look quite formidable.

I’d be interested in a video of your deadlift

It’s a younger version of 1morerep.


Is this your kid?

back looks great, how long have you been in the iron game?

[quote]PRCalDude wrote:
It’s a younger version of 1morerep.


Is this your kid?[/quote]

I was gonna say he looks like a jacked ‘Ryan’ from “The Office.”

Nice work OP. Your back looks like you have a nice DL and despite the lower bench your chest isn’t too shabby at all.

I’ve been at the game a couple years, but it has only been the past 12-14 monthes where I really got serious about my diet and my intensity. I’ve figured out alot of weird tricks that seem to work for my body so I’m just pushing as hard as possible right now.

Thanks for the comments. My thoughts of improvement were increase the stength of my arms as well as my bench. The side effect should be an increase in size as well. I’m guessing my traps could be increased maybe 1/2 an inch as well as work on increasing my side delts.

Sound ok?

[quote]paul496 wrote:
I think your in super shape.

I think you could bulk the shoulders a bit more… Do you do arnie press??[/quote]

I just started them. Question though, do you think it is stupid to be doing arnold presses after doing military press?

Another 2 years of what you are busy with and you will be on your way. You have obviously worked hard and made efforts to build a solid foundation.

Please share with us your diet, routines and list of supplements.