Just wondering what all you t-men and t-vixens do out there for a living and in what part of the country/world? I work as Director Of Business Development for NetgenShopper in Fairfax, Va.
I’m currently a Personal Trainer and Exercise Physiologist in Toronto however I’m considering a career change. You others in this field may have found the same thing: no matter how good you qualifications are, no one in Canada wants to pay you enough to keep you. I was recently entertaining offers and one guy offered me 10 bucks an hour. I told him to stuff it in more professional terms of course. It seems like no matter how educated we are, the majority of the population still thinks of us as the typical muscle-head dumb jocks. It blows man, it blows.
National Sale’s Manager for a Tire Co. Live in Bethlehem, Pa.(outside Philadelphia).
I’m student polishing off the last bit of my Exercise Sports Science Degree at Colorado State University. I work as a student intern Strength and Condtioning Coach at CSU, and work a piss poor retail job to make ends meet and get me through college.
Bartender (and soon to be certified personal trainer) in O’Neill, NE.
I am a web developer/designer in western NY
I’m a Unix/NT Sys. Admin and Oracle DBA
Yes I have ROOT!!!
So fear my l33t haxxor skillz.
Ok so what I’m a geek
I rent computers and AV equipment to Fortune 1000 companies, specifically for conferences and large meetings. It’s a blast, complete with travel, and I get to talk to some very nice and amazing people. I live next to Aggieland.
i am a student finishing my bachelors in biology/ general studies. i will eventually be a physician asst. i manage a nutrisport on the weekends, and i am a stay at home dad through the week. i live in Indy (cannot wait to move, too cold).
Communications Director (public relations) for United Way, in Florida.
Press operator/mechanic for Clarke American (the company you PROBABLY get you personal checks from)
Fulltime firefighter and part time computer programmer (cobol, PL1 and 370 assembler) in the Toronto Ontario Canada area.
Web developer: I also run the most popular BMX magazine on the Internet … bmxtreme … it’s a great sport. Hardcore and requires serious training! Yee-haw.
I work as a branch supervisor for a local credit union in Sacramento. And yes Infinity, we do order our checks from you.
Student, McGill University. English Literature.
Started out as a computer engineer in college. Dropped out to become a full time independent respresentative of Equinox International. From there I became a personal trainer, sport nutritionist. Since there is little money in that field, unless you have mass personal clients, I changed back to computers. I really like computer programming. So that is what I’m in school for now. I still like to help people with workouts and dieting on the side, but I don’t have much time. Next Sept. I’ll be transferring to RIT in NY for computer science. For work right now, I work at the exercise facility at my school, I am a playground cleaner for Mr. Balls, Inc. (fricken SWEET job), and I tutor. At the moment I still live in southern NH.
Ok, I guess I’ve spilled my guts. Does anyone really care? Ah, probably not. What ever.
Student at Allegheny College in Meadville PA, live in Pittsburgh Pa, volunteer firman at West Mead #2 while at school, and at 245 Moon Run when Im home.
I sell wine to hotels and restraunts and a few liquor stores in the Austin area.
Which gives me an excuse to stay out late and drink a few adult beverages.
And yes my job kicks ass.
Manager of Network Services for a satellite access provider in Calgary. Basically it’s just a lot of network design, testing and implementation. Some really cool stuff … really