What to do?

well im in sort of a dilema. i have 2 bottles of Hot-Rox, and 1 bottle of Mag-10 plus the pct for the Mag-10 (M, Tribex)…but i dunno what to do …im 6’1 188 and “skinny-fat” i guess you could call it…only around 150lb of lbm…so should i cut down w/ the Hot-Rox and get into that 12% or lower stage…or take the mag-10 gain some lbm…maintain for a few weeks…then cut…my diet, cardio, and training are all in tact, just wondering which i should do 1st and which would be the most effective

My $.02?

Get in shape without using the supplements. They are not magic; they only add to existing hard work and discipline, and will help make a good body great. They won’t make a mediocre body good, because the mediocre body already lacks the key elements of being a good body (i.e. diet, training). I’d get a strong basis in diet and training together (you’re at the right place to find info) and save your supplements for when they’ll do the most good. There is NO magic. Tell us what you are already doing and you will get the help you seek here.

I apologize. You say you have training and diet together already (I read the post kind of quickly). Give some details on your program and you will find help here.

I still say save the supplements until after you’re in better shape. It sounds like your existing training and/or diet may need some “dialing in.”

well i normally always train heavy w/ low reps to try and maintain my LBM…my diet is pretty much t-dawg 2.0 but i keep my carbs around 100 daily, anything below and i feel quite sluggish. cardio wise i do 2 hiit sessions a week(normally 100m sprints or 200m sprints) and one Brazilian Jiu-jitsu class a wk. so ive made up my mind to use some performance enhancers, and believe me i understand that there are no magic pills, but i also understand that w/ a good diet and training they can produce results more quickly. i mean i cut about 70lbs w/ no supps other than a multi and some whey. so i think im ready to plunge into the world of supps, but i just need to know what to do 1st…Mag-10 or the Rox

Lower reps will not build the mass that you seem to be looking for. Your routine should be one that hits all aspects of what you should be looking for, increasing limit strengh and inducing functional AND structural hypertrophy. Chris Thibs “Pendulum” approach, choose the one that best suits your goals my suggestion would be the Pendulum for body builders and Chad Waterbury’s ABBH 1&2 are good places to start. They both are really good programs. If you’re in good shape and want to give it a go CW’s Quattro Dynamo along with “Massive Eating” and your Mag-10 will suit well. If you’re under 15% bulk then lean out with your diet and Hot-Rox or Red Bands. I can say that Hot-Rox does work and works well, as advertised. I have not tried Red-Bands so I cannot comment on them

Hmmm…weird. Seems like with that kind of training intensity and diet your body comp would be better. I mean that’s some kick-@$$ stuff. Maybe you need to try training with some higher reps and mixing it up some more. Well, I’m no expert, but since yer gonna do it, I’d do the Mag-10 first, and crank up the training volume. The muscle you build will help metabolize the fat when you go to cut. Too bad you only have one bottle. :frowning:

Just my $.02. Anyone else have any suggestions?

yeah i plan on trying QD sometime down the road, probably with my Mag-10 that i have…but it looks like the consensus is to use the Hot-Rox 1st to lean down under 15%…then use the Mag-10…

Yeah bandgeek it kinda sucks that i have a shitty body comp. but i mean to put it in perspective i was 250 and 38% BF a little over a year ago, could already be down to about 12% bf but i mean im in college and sometimes temptations detour you from your goal, which is fine to me…u only live once right

Dizz exactly you only live once. Just keep it under control. This is the only time of your life you’ll be there. If your friends are hanging out late and want to grab something quick to eat at McDonalds or the 24 hour pizza parlor and you’re not sure, just eat it. Just dont go overboard. You’ve already made progress. Thats a major positive. Keep doing what you’re doing. You’re losing BF and you’re still having some of those little college pleasures. Just keep going.