I’ve been working 6-7 days a week for almost two years and I’ve suffered, I put on almost 40 pounds of fat. I am starting to go back to the gym 5 days a week again, very sore but I ignore most of it. My question is should I start taking Hot-Rox now, or wait until I’ve taken off a few pounds from trainning first?
Its going to behoove you to make sure that your diet is in line before you start to take any supplements. There are no miracles out there (other than anabolics which are hard to come by :)) other than hard work and dedication… and PERSISTENCE!!
The best place to start is probably searching T-Mag for T-Dawg 2.0 and then going from there.
If you want consultation from a professional and are willing to shell out a few clams for a program, I would recommend SwoleCat. You have to be willing to do cardio everyday in the mornings and dedicate about 45 minutes in the gym 4 days a week. You also have to use some supplements but they don’t necessarily include any marketed product (although in the case of Hot-Rox they might help you if your diet and training are in line).
Other than that, I’m sure there are some very experienced people on this board that would be happy to help you out if you give them some numbers. There are 2 people in particular you have been fantastic thusfar and I have a feeling they are going to chime in sometime soon.
Good luck!
Actually I do cardio for 45 minutes per day at the gym(5-6), and I am eating much heathier than I was my question still is though should I wait for my metabolism to jumpstart about 6 weeks, or should I start the Hot Rox now?
I’m no expert but I’m going through the same thing. I gained 32 lbs (from 215-247) when I stopped working out. I’ve been back at it for about 8 weeks not and have gotten back down to 229 with no supplements (other than LC Grow). I’m waiting for my fat loss to slow down before I start hot-rox. It seems that would be the best time to try it.
Oh and I’ve done very little cardio due to a torn ligament in my knee and was unable to do legs either, so its been pretty much diet so far. I started to run sprints 2 weeks ago though and am hoping that will help push me down to 220 before I start hot-rox.
I’d continue what you’re doing, as long as you’re following a good training program and diet.
Save the Hot Rox for when you plateau. Let yourself plateau for a week or so, then try Hot Rox to see if it works to get you over the hump.