[quote]Lonnie123 wrote:
We’ll need some information before we can address your problem.
How long have you been lifting weights? Are you lifting CONSISTENTLY (Same days, every week)?
since 2 years ; always consistently as far as possible. There were some breaks I HAD to take, for example a tonsil surgery.
How long have you been stalling? What were these breaks that threw you back?
When I started working in a hospital ( 1.5 years ago ), I stalled. I think it was because I underestimated my TEE, but instead of eating more I switched routines and all that stuff you shouldn’t do. After 6 months my civiliant service ( hospital ) has ended and I kept training, but never really achieved great success. I cant remember exactly what routines I followed and so on, but it didnt work obviously.
What does your lifting program look like?
At the moments its the 3 day split from king beef
What weight are you lifting now? What were you lifting when you started?
[b]starting weights :
Squats 60kilos
Deadlift : 60 kilos
MP 20 kilos
BP 35kilos
now ( and before I started working in a hospitel ) :
Squats : 80 kilos
Deadlift : 110kilos
MP: 35 kilos
BP: 55kilos
Note that this is not 1 RM[/b]
What do you weigh now versus when you started? Are you still gaining weight? Are you SURE you are eating that much food? How do you know?
I started out with something about 77 kilos I guess and after 10 months or so I went up to almost 95.
I gained a little fat and started a diet to lose the fat. losing fat is fairly easy for me.
At the moment I am at 92, about 11-12% BF. I am 6’2
Moreover I write down exactly how much I eat. I have been doing this all the time.
and ya i am still gaininf weight, but its very alternating. it may happen that i gay in one week almost 1kilo, eventhough i am prett sure its neither all fat nor muscles. i cant see the fat in the mirror , maybe its just from the large amount of food, idk…
And here is just something to think about: You say that you “should be much further when it comes to size and strength.” - How much further should you be? What are your expectations? Why do you think you should be further along than you are now?
After the 2 years I really wished I would bench at least 80 kilos , MP 50 kilos Squat and Deadlift about 140kilos
I’ll get back to you in the morning here, gotta sleep.
Good Night 