I started at…
5’6", 139 lbs, 8.6% BF
I bulked for roughly 2 months and then stop being able to put on much more weight and had a hard time keeping my appetite to levels that it was initially. I felt like I was putting on excessive fat so I figured it would be a good time to cut back anyway and more or less unintentionally started a maintenance period.
I got myself measured again and it was a newer girl that measured me but I don’t think that it would make that much difference from girl to girl… anyway new results: 163lbs, 12.4% BF. I feel like some of that might have been water weight from consuming creatine, which I think would error on the side of lean mass.
I did that for almost a month and then I decided that it would be a good time to go on a cutting cycle. I searched around and came across the velocity diet. I’ve done that for a few days now and last night was my first time to lift with this and I felt way weaker and could barely do my normal workout (see below). I was wiped part way through my 5th exercise. I haven’t taken creatine while on this and honestly now I look pretty close to when I started my bulking but with more fat, which is definitely disappointing.
My normal workout is usually 6/7 exercises with 3 sets of 7 reps, 3 days a week. I usually warm up with an 8min ab workout (go ahead and laugh) and then I try to do mainly compound exercises.
Before you guys say what I know you probably will, my fat really was excessive especially for someone who does not have a lot of lean mass to really support it. I’d post pics but most of you would scoff anyway. I was told to stay away from cardio if I was trying to bulk, but I would notice an accelerated heart rate and slight chest pain during more intense situations and sometimes even just getting up from my desk to go to the bathroom half a flight of stairs up.
It seemed like pretty much all my fat was gained in my abdominal area (which I know is normal). I thought the rest of my body comp looked pretty good and I was really shocked with the size I was able to put on in only a couple months… 16 lbs of lean mass in 2 months per my measurements give or take per inaccuracy of pinching I suppose.
I don’t mind not being able to see my abs but when it looks like I have a gut (and yes many commented on it) that’s another story. I’ve always been really little and so until I have more lean mass, a small amount of fat really shows bad on me.
I guess what I am trying to get at is should I bulk some more now but do it slower (I was consuming 4-5kcalories/day during the first couple months)? Should I try to maintain this weight and keep lifting and my fat will melt away and then start bulking after that? Should I continue to cut but try a different program?
I should probably go get measured again to maybe give you guys a better idea and maybe I haven’t lost as much as I thought. I just know that a couple weeks ago I felt pretty good about how I looked and how tightly my shirts fit (excluding the belly area) and now I feel like I reverted back to how I was months ago. I think the whole creatine and holding water effect made me look a lot bigger and now that I’m doing the velocity diet and it’s low carb and therefore diuretic was pretty impacting.
Maybe I should get back on creatine to offset the velocity diet? I know if the Velocity Diet is done right I shouldn’t lose any lean mass, but for someone like me who has a really hard time gaining lean mass to begin with it’s a pretty big concern. I do now however feel like I have more energy (might be party in due to the HOT-ROX) and also I don’t experience the accelerated heart rate.
Any comments are welcome but please keep the flaming to a minimum.
Thanks in advance to any contributing posts!