hello guys
I just want to know if you think i’m training correctly , and what would change in this routine
I’m 16 years old and i’ve been training for 6 month
so my routine is :
tuesday : chest/back
bench press 55 i often change the rep ranges depending on past week performance (fro 53 to 5*5 )
incline db press : 4 sets of 6 to 15 reps depending of the period and on how much i did last week
landmine press 3 sets
db flyes
back : lat pulldow 3-4 6-12
db rows : 3-4* 6-12
close grip seated horizontal cable row 4*6-15
Wednesday : delts/arms
barbell lateral raises superset dumbell lateral raises
reverse peck deck
rope hammer curls tryng to mix high reps and heavy weight on this exercies
double cable curl : mixing high reps with heavy weight on this one two
triceps pushdown with v bar and rope : heavy and high reps too
friday : chest and back
bench press: 3-6/8 2 bak off sets with 85 percents of the previous sets
incline barbell pres 12 6 8 10 12
landmine press / cable flyes
close grip chin ups ( neutral grip ) 3-4* 6 - 12
yates row going for a pyramid miwing high rep with “heavy sets”
tbar neutral grip row same reps ranges as the yates row
legs :
squat 5*5
leg pres 4 *6-12
sissy squat ( the move is finished when you are horizontal to the floor and the upper back almost touch the floor )
meadow squat
stiff legged deadlifts
sunday : delts and arms
db press
lateral raises sitting on a incline bench
bent over lateral raises for the rear delt
dumbell curls
preacher curl
barbell hammer curl
close grips bench press
skull scrushers
bench dips
Thanks for reading everything , i’m trying to have a lot of frequency here in order to often do the big lifts
sorry for the english i’m from france
I think your training split is inappropriate for your situation and believe you will be better served, and to be in line with your aim of doing the big lifts frequently, and thereby making the quickest gains in them, by having a full body or upper-lower template. You are doing a ton of exercises, many of which are not even needed at this point. I suggest a cookie cutter template for your situation, such as HST or Greyskull LP. Greyskull is awesome for beginners, I believe, and the e-book is cheap.
[quote]BrickHead wrote:
I think your training split is inappropriate for your situation and believe you will be better served, and to be in line with your aim of doing the big lifts frequently, and thereby making the quickest gains in them, by having a full body or upper-lower template. You are doing a ton of exercises, many of which are not even needed at this point. I suggest a cookie cutter template for your situation, such as HST or Greyskull LP. Greyskull is awesome for beginners, I believe, and the e-book is cheap. [/quote]
Although my programs of choice would be Starting Strength or 5/3/1 Full Body, Full Boring.
It would also be stupid to ignore diet, what exactly did you eat yesterday?
[quote]EZOHMATE wrote:
I just want to know if you think i’m training correctly , and what would change in this routine
I’m 16 years old and i’ve been training for 6 month [/quote]
What’s your current height, weight, and general fat level (already pretty lean, a little pudgy, etc.)?
I agree with the guys that your current program is all over the place and is very over-complicated. I’d suggest jumping to this:
Hit the bodyweight stuff for a week or two just to be sure you can and then the upper/lower split for 6-8 weeks to get back on track and simplify. You don’t need “back off sets”, you do need more leg work, you don’t need so much change. Simple and consistent hard work will pay off and build your foundation.
Do you have a specific goal?
Also, like dagill said, your food is just as important as your training and a lot of guys underestimate what they eat.
You’ve done a much better job than most beginners in exercise selection: you’ve avoided having a lot of light weight isolation exercises and most of them are pretty solid choices.
I have to admit though that after 23 years of training I don’t know what a Meadow Squat is, and Googling didn’t help me either, so I’m guessing that one can safely be omitted. I would omit the sissy squat also. It can have a bodybuilding application, but not at the 6 month point. Getting strong on the regular squat will work just fine.
At this point, training bodyparts twice per week, I’d train the same exercises each workout, at least for the most part and particularly the major lifts. (If you want mix it up with specific arm exercises, for example, no harm.) As Brickhead is suggesting, doing your major exercises more frequently will help greatly at this stage, as neural learning is a huge part of strength increase. So, cut some exercises out and double up on others.
The suggestions for completely changing programs also are good, but I can definitely understand wanting to forge your own path and that’s fine. You should be able to make great gains either way.